Chapter 6

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Planing for the future

Athanasia's PoV

We survived! But the Ruby palace was thrown into chaos since me and Alex weren't in bed like we should have been. Imagine their surprise when we returned in the arms of the Emperors Royal guard.

Lily snatched us from Felix's hands and hugged us close to her all the while glaring at Felix. Who raised his hands in surrender. Everyone looked at Felix and thought-

'The kidnapper!!!'

I wont help. He left us alone with Claude And allowed entry to those mini Claude's.

"His majesty said he would visit Princess Athanasia and Princess Alexandria in the near future."


Did he just.....?


What's with this response? Half- scared, half- happy is everyone this happy to receive the emperor's attention?

'What would that dirtbag Claude want with us?'


'No! No! Waaah!'

'Chill we'll figure something out'

'How came you ain't surprised?'

'Cause I was listening to what Claude was saying.'

But life never goes as l planned. Our fate is sealed which ever way the emperor wants it.

" Princesses are you Hur -" - lily

"Blaach!"- Athy

"Princess!" - maids

But first, I should empty out my stomach....

' eww!! Stay away from me!!'

'That's for the stress you gave me with your sass and bluntness'

'Its a built - in malfunction!'

'Then fix it!'


Time skip ~

Plan A: not getting noticed by Claude and living inside Ruby palace until we die.

Obviously failed *scratch**scratch*

I was too naive. I thought everything would be five as long as we were careful. How could that simple looking place be Claude's living space!

Currently I was sitting on the bed with a blanket on my head and a paper in hand, Alex was laying next to me face pressed into the pillow to muffle the different languaged curses she was saying, the lamp was on giving me light to see my plans .

Ruby palace is supposed to house the concubines not the empress. Why is it so close to the emperor's palace?

Plan B: save enough money to escape the palace before turning 18.

Ah, this is still in the realm of possibility.

Although we ended up meeting Claude 4 years earlier.... The doesn't seem to want to kill me this instant...

Should l be collecting more of my pretties? When we leave the palace we could dress up as one of the maids and use the doggy door.

And finally...

Plan C: continue playing cute to steal Claude and the triplets hearts.

Just looking at it I turned to stone. And then covered my face, Alex looked at my face in question but didn't say anything cause she was busy thinking as well.

I... I suppose its not impossible?

I already know what happens according to the book. Maybe being "daddy's little girl's " is pushing it.... But we might be able to get close enough to them so that Claude won't want to murder us. He did let us go after hearing both of us blurt out "papa".

"Gah!!" - Athy

"What?! What happened?!" - Alex

But I ignored her and continued kicking the blanket in embarrassment

So shameful! *ugh *


'We're gonna carry out both plan B and plan C!'

'What's plan c?'



'What! Why not?'

'Did you really think I'm gonna do something so cheesy and out of my character then you are not my sister'

'Come on there is no other way seriously'

'There is a way actually. You do that I'll just be me with out being mean to murder man.'

'ugh! Fine!

She is not wrong tho.

The shame and embarrassment I'll suffer from it... Will be an investment for our future.


"Princesses, its bed time" - lily

Alex flipped over onto her back a grossed out expression faintly visible. Before going to her bed just next to mine and flopping on it.

"Hng, tuck us in lily."

After lily tucked us in the room was quiet for a while before rustling was heard from Alex's bed. The next moment she was climbing back on my bed. I lifted the cover and waited until she crawled in and wrapped her small arms around me.i placed the cover back to cover us both before snuggling with my twin.

Atleast I have Alex with me . I'll protect you no matter what my little sister.




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