He look at the pile of files in his table and sigh again. His brain was hurting from already reading so many files and now he have to call his lawyer to prepare the papers.

He took out his phone as he dial his lawyer's number. The lawyer didn't delay in answering the call knowing pissing off the man will not do him any good.

"Yes boss?"

"To my office tomorrow. I have some work for you!"

Mikey hang up the call after he told the lawyer what he wanted. He open a file reading it and just in the middle of his inspection of the file he heard knocks on the door.

"Come in."

Mikey raise his eyes to see Draken and Mitsuya. He raise his eyebrow curiously cause he didn't expected it.

"What do you two want?" Mikey plainly said focusing back on his file.

"It's late night Mikey you should take a rest." Draken said as he and Mitsuya went to the couch and sat down. Mikey close the file and went to his friends also sitting down.

"I heard Sanzu brought Y/n here. Where is she?" Draken asked as he stare at the white haired man. Mitsuya raised his eyebrow waiting to know who this 'Y/n' is.

"She went home." Mikey replied lifting the office phone and ordering three coffees.

"Before you ask why, she came to agree for the marriage." Mikey exclaimed shocking the two man with him. For different reasons.

The first impression of the woman to Draken was ' she had a peaceful life', though he's glad he have a peaceful life and a pinch of guilt knowing it will not be peaceful anymore after she marries Mikey. The girl is innocent and smart at the same time but in a different way. He found the girl cute and kind so he is happy from the news that the woman agreed. He can imagine his wife's big smile when Mikey will tell the news. But he felt pity for the girl as Mikey is not affectionate and is cold all the times.

"Marriage? Whose?" Mitsuya asked lost. He can say that Draken knew about this marriage thing seeing his smile. He has some doubts but didn't want to really believe it. .

"Mine ofcourse." Mikey said and just then the door open and in came a young woman with a tray of three coffees in her hand. Mikey plainly stare at the women whose top three bottons were not buttoned up showing her cleavage.


He thought and motion for her to place the tray down on the table and dismisses her. He then turn to his two friends while putting sugar on his coffee.

"She could have just agreed from a call. Why the hard work to come here?" Mitsuya asked now interested to hear something new.

"You didn't brought her here without her consent right?" Draken asked already knowing but asking away to give pain to his brain.

"Her consent is not needed. I just wanted to set some rules and she had her own wish to continue doing her job even after marriage or something like that." Mikey says staring at his friends.

"Did you tell her to not do jobs?" Mitsuya asked with widen eyes as Draken sigh beside him.

"Why would I? She didn't had job just 2 weeks ago so I think Shin told her father regarding her situation. And I don't have a problem if she works or not. That's none of my business." Mikey said annoyed as he sip from his coffee.

"Anyways congrats on the finalization of your wedding. When are you telling the guys?" Draken asked as Mikey sips from his coffee staring at his childhood friends.

"I was about to message in the group regarding that. This Saturday there's a get together with Y/n to meet you all." Mikey said as he message in the group.


Mikey: There's someone I want you all to meet. Clear your schedules on this Saturday and gather at the usual place we meet up at.

Sanzu: As you wish.

Chifuyu: Roger that even though I'm curious.

Takemitchy: Oky'!

Baji: I want to meet that someone right now.

Kazutora: Be patient will ya!

Mikey muted his phone to not get distracted with the messages and he can tell that they will talk rubbish anyway.

"For now let's go home. You have to tell the news to Shinichiro-san and the rest." Draken said standing up from the couch. Mitsuya also stood up with him.

"You can go before me. I'll come right after you." Mikey stands up and went near the glass wall. He look down on the peoples and city lights.

"Don't stay too late!"

"See ya tomorrow!"

The two said and went out the office. Mikey look at the time to see that it's past 11pm. He look back at the files on his table and sigh. He took his car keys and went out his office.

What a tiresome day.....

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