CH.3: Final Selection

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POV Bell Kamado

From what Master Urokodaki told us, the Final Selection takes place on Mount Fujikasane, where wisteria flowers bloom every season from the mountain's foot to its slope. The area around the mountaintop does not have any wisteria flowers and is infested with demons, which were caught alive and placed on the mountain by existing Demon Slayers. Since wisteria is poisonous to demons, they remain trapped inside the mountain and cannot leave. I decided to close my eyes and began to concentrate, sensing the energy signatures and power of every demon on the mountain. There were two hundred sixty demons in total, and three of those demons were far more powerful than the rest, and by a large margin. 


"Yes?" My brother replied.

"When the Final Selection commences, let's do our best to kill every demon on the mountain while protecting everyone else." I said, to which he nodded in agreement.

Once we made our way to the starting area, I sensed multiple large energy signatures, besides Tanjiro and myself, there were five out of the twenty people that were there. A boy with blonde hair, another with a scar across his face, one with a boar mask, a girl with black hair tied to the side with a butterfly clip, and another girl with long white hair tied in a ponytail. Those five have the most potential, so before I start slaying every demon, I'll observe them first. 

POV 3rd Person

After the brothers were finished observing their surroundings, they placed their gaze straight ahead, seeing two... girls? Or that was Bell's thought, while Tanjiro could tell one of them was a boy. The two children spoke in unison which made Bell feel more uneasy than demons, but continued listening anyway, learning the black-haired child was called Kiriya Ubuyashiki, while the white-haired one was named Kanata Ubuyashiki. The Kamado siblings remembered their Master mention the Ubuyashiki Family, as the leaders of the Demon Slayer Corps. The twins began to describe how the Final Selection will play out, saying that the selection would last for seven days, and all that was needed was to survive. They also explained how High-Ranked Demon Slayers captured Demons and brought them to the mountain for the Final Selection, along with explaining that wisteria flowers are poisonous to Demons, which was information the Kamado Sibling noted for any future situations. With all of that information, the Ubuyashiki Twins commenced the Final Selection, as everyone scattered. 

With Tanjiro, he unsheathed his blade, as two Demons attempted to jump him. Since Tanjiro didn't want to use the Hinokami Kagura at the beginning, he decided to use Water Breathing, to conserve his energy.

"Forth Form: Striking Tide!" Tanjiro said, slicing off the heads of the two Demons. 'There's a scent of death in the air, along with a powerful Demon, better take care of that first.' He thought, running toward the powerful scent.

As for Bell, he sensed Tanjiro heading to one of the powerful demons and decided to do the same. On the way, the rabbit was attacked by a group of demons, and they attacked, Bell decided to use Wind Breathing.

"Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree." Bell said as unleashed a whirlwind of slashes around his body defending him from the demons' attacks while slicing them to ribbons as well. 'Now that's been taken care of, time to reach that demon.' He thought, continuing his hunt.

POV Tanjiro Kamado

I made my way to the powerful demon and heard people screaming for other lives on the way, quickening my pace hoping I can make it in time. The scent became stronger as I came closer, I could feel how my eyes widened, seeing the horror in front of me. A gigantic green behemoth of a creature with hands surrounding its entire body, not only was it big, but incredibly strong, from the scent alone, I could tell it has eaten more than fifty humans. Right now the monster was chasing another participant, so I acted quickly and decided to use Hinokami Kagura, as the demon extended multiple hands toward the fellow participant.

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