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A New Member Of The Kamado Family

During a freezing winter night, Tanjuro Kamado was walking through the forest, when he heard the cry of a baby, along with the sound of a bear. He immediately ran in the direction of the cries and saw a two-meter-tall bear, surrounded by bloodied bodies, while the beast made its way toward the infant. Tanjuro immediately took action and within the blink of an eye, beheaded the bear with his axe. He watched as the beast's corpse fell onto the floor before finding the child, he saw that the child was incredibly healthy, and its temperature was normal, even in the cold environment. A few moments later, he noticed a strange ore on the ground and a letter on the baby's blanket. He read the contents of the letter and was surprised.

"To the Family of the Mountain, if by chance you are reading this letter, it means we died before reaching you. We have left you with our child because our lives will not last long due to an incurable disease, and will die within three days. We hope our son will be able to live a long life, and hope you will be willing to care for him, his name is Bell, so please, our one request, is for him to live."

"The ore he was brought with is a family heirloom, and within the carriage is a fairly large box filled with gold, you are free to use it as you see fit."

"Hm, I see..." Tanjuro muttered still holding the boy in his hands. "Well, I can't just let an innocent child die, especially when his family went so far as to give him a happy life." He said to himself while taking the boy back to his home, along with anything the family left for him. "Welcome to the family, Bell Kamado."

{Time-Skip: Six Years}

It has been six years since Bell's arrival and becoming part of the Kamado Family, he was now seven years old along with Tanjiro. While Bell was growing up the family noticed that the boy was very strong and fast for his age, and noticed a mark on the left side of his chest. Tanjuro decided to nurture Bell and teach him the same responsibility as Tanjiro and passed down the Hinokami Kagura to both of his eldest sons. Before their father's passing, Bell and Tanjiro were told about what happened six years ago, along with the ore and riches that were given to them, along with a better understanding of the Dance of the Fire God. After the passing of Tanjuro, Bell, and Tanjiro trained themselves using the Hinokami Kagura and became adept at using breathing to enhance their abilities, and trained it to the point it no longer strained their body.  


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