CH.5: The Demon King, Muzan

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POV 3rd Person

As Tanjiro and Bell entered the Village, Tanjiro wore a checkered, black-and-sea-foam-green haori over a standard Demon Slayer uniform, a dark brown gakuran jacket, a white belt, baggy chocho zubon pants that extend into tabi socks, a pair of zōri with red straps, and bands of white cloth wrapped tightly around his calves resembling kyahan. While Bell wore a bright blue haori with a white design, over a white-colored kimono with a black umanori-styled hakama, a pair of black zōri with red straps, and white tabi socks, along with a long crimson scarf around his neck.

Bell and Tanjiro split up, as Bell sensed three energy signatures that weren't human, while Tanjiro followed a demon's scent. Bell felt the demon's presence inside a home and immediately ran inside, although the homeowner tried to stop him, they froze when they heard their daughter scream. Bell entered her room and immediately saw the portal with the demon's arms dragging the girl inside, but not before Bell took action.

'Fifth Form: Twilight Burst!' Bell thought as he burst forward, slicing off the demon's arm while saving the girl as well.

[5th Form: Twilight Burst – The user bursts forward leaving a trail of light and flames, unsheathing their blade and performing an arching horizontal slash at blinding speeds.]

"Miss, are you alright?" Bell asked, giving the scared girl a warm and calming smile.

"Y-yes, thank you, but who are you?" The girl asked as the demon came out of the portal, showing itself to everyone, and Bell could tell, it was furious.

"Not one but two Slayers!?" The demon exclaimed.

"Indeed, I'm Bell Kamado of the Demon Slayer Corps. Young girls have gone missing, so we've been tasked to investigate." Bell stated.

"Grrr!" The Demon growled, before jumping into its portal and Bell jumping after it.

POV Tanjiro Kamado

While Bell was following another trail, I caught on a demon's scent and ran toward it, and the moment I got there, I watch how a girl was pulled into a portal, and as the portal was about to close, I used the Hinokami Kagura.

"Sunflower Thrust!" I exclaimed, thrusting my blade right before the portal closed, which also forced it to reopen. I saw the girl and immediately pulled her out, before giving her to the boy that witnessed it all. "Listen, take her and go, now!" I ordered though it took him a moment to process, he immediately picked the girl up and ran.

I readied myself, as the scent of two demons appeared, the strange thing about it was the fact that their scent was practically identical. my eyes widened, remembering something Master Urokodaki mentioned, he said that certain demons possess supernatural abilities known as Blood Demon Arts. Bell also mentioned that he fought a demon with such abilities, it's possible that this demon can not only create portals but can also split himself into three different people.

I proceeded no narrow my eyes while tightening my grip, as I watched a portal appear in front of me, and thanks to my above-average hearing I noticed a portal open up behind me as well. I grinned as I felt the clone leap at me from behind.




POV 3rd Person

Once the demon was within range, the box on Tanjiro's back burst open, and the demon was kicked in the face by Nezuko.

"A Slayer working with a Demon?!" The demon that got kicked exclaimed.

Nezuko exited the box and prepared to attack, as Tanjiro did the same. They dashed at their targets but were unable to hit them due to the demons using their portals. But as the demons did so, Tanjiro had an idea and leaped into the portal.

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