CH.7: Tsuzumi Mansion

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POV 3rd Person

Bell and Tanjiro made their way toward the mission's location, and they ran into one of the surviving Demon Slayers from Final Selection, and their first impression was a little... strange to say the least. It was the yellow-haired boy named Zenitsu, and he was harassing a girl, Tanjiro pulled him away from her, and Bell spoke with her.

"I deeply apologize on behalf of our colleague, he can be quite over the top, being used by seven women and all, he's quite desperate for love." Bell said before sending him a glare. "He won't pull something like at again, right Zenitsu?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!!" He yelled nearly blowing out Tanjiro's eardrums.

The girl left without a second thought,  as we dragged Zenitsu with us to the next mission. Not too long after, we reached an abandoned mansion in the woods, before Bell and Tanjiro noticed two children crying. Asking the children about the situation, a minute or so, after Tanjiro was able to calm them down. The children explained that their brother had been taken by a demon, and was trapped inside the mansion. Bell closed his eyes and sensed three demons within the mansion, but also that the demons were continuously teleporting throughout it.

"Tanjiro, there's already another strong Demon Slayer in the mansion. I want you and Zenitsu to go in, and I'll take care of the boxes and the children." Bell said.

"One of these demons is powerful, right?" Tanjiro asked.

"Yes, if I were to guess, it's a Former Lowermoon." Bell deduced.

"Alright, I understand, Zenitsu, come on." Tanjiro ordered.

"Huh!? What do you mean come on?!" Zenitsu cried as Tanjiro grabbed his haori and dragged him into the mansion.

'Good luck you two...' Bell thought.

After a few minutes of Tanjiro investigating with Zenitsu, the two hear the beat of a drum, and in that moment both realized they had been separated. While Tanjiro continued investigating, Zenitsu began panicking and sprinting from room to room in hopes of trying to find an exit.

POV Zenitsu

I started sprinting through the mansion attempting to find the exit, but I continued running into dead ends, and after a few more minutes, I opened another door and was met with someone wearing a boar mask, as I realized he was in the Final Selection. As I was about to greet another familiar face, he yelled out of nowhere startling me, before dashing out of the room and disappearing. I only sighed before continuing my search for the exit. I opened another door, and my eyes widened, as I saw a long-tongued demon come out of the foundation.


I yelled at the top of my lungs, as I ran away screaming, going from door to door as the demon chased me.

"Help me!!!"

Unfortunately, I hit a dead end, while the demon stepped closer, turning my head to it, I paled and fainted. Then woke up a few minutes after, only to see the head of the demon beside my feet, causing me to leap back in fear.

POV 3rd Person

The moment Zenitsu fainted, the long-tongued demon launch its well, long tongue at the yellow-haired boy, only for it to be cut off. As the demon was in a state of shock, Zenitsu stood up and entered a stance.

"Thunder Breathing; First Form: Thunderclap and Flash." He said before unsheathing his katana, dashing forward at blinding speeds, and decapitating the demon faster than it could react, before sheathing his blade back.

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