chapter 5

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Papa pov:

"Agh...fuck..." I heard from next to me. I saw y/n clutching his chest in pain.
"Fuck are you alright!?" I ask concerned. "" he said painfully. "I accidentslly left my binder on.." he groans.
" should take it off." I suggest "Yeah.. I'll go do that." He goes to the bathroom and takes off his binder. I sit in the room. I worry about the tour. I've been getting hints that I may die soon. By the amhands of the clergy .. im scared.. I dont want to leave yn behind.. I want to stay.

I sigh. I felt tears fill my eyes. I tried desperately to fight it.
" alright..?" He asks. I lost it at that point. I started bawling as I sat up. Fuck man.

"Hey hey hey what's wrong..?" He sits next to me and holds my hand.
"I'm just so stressed and..tired from this world tour..its exhausting having to travel so much, sing the same songs every other day, etcetera..I just want a break.." I said crying on his shoulder. "I tried to speak with sister about it yesterday.. she wouldn't sorry.." he says. It made me feel worse. I cried more, my face paint rubbing off. I compose myself. " sorry." I apologise for breaking down. "It's alright. I'm always here for you." He says. "Thankyou..that truly means alot.." I say. "I need a drink.." I say. "Oh, coffee? Or tea? Or water?-"I cut him off. "No alcoholic." I say. "That's not a good way to manage your feelings papa..-" he says."You're right.." I sigh.

We watch some tv, luckily we were returning to the US in a week. We were only doing a couple tour dates here.

We get ready for our upcoming show the next again day. We rehearse, I do vocal warm ups and shit, he makes sure his guitar is tuned, and we set off to perform.

After the show we were showered with applause, flowers and such.

Back at the hotel room I lay on the bed, exhausted.
I sleep.

The next few show also go to plan, we finish off the tour in this country and head to the hotel room.

"Hey, lets do something nice" I offer to all the ghouls.
"How about the theme park?" I suggest. They all agreed, ecstatically. "Hell yeah!".

stay with me. ||copia x Trans male/ masc reader||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora