chapter 1

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Y/n pov:

It was a dangerously stormy evening, rain pounding against the window, like needles to your skin, thunder booming across the sky and lightning shooting across the dark grey sky, setting some houses ablaze.

It was only 4 pm but looked dark out because of the thick, almost black storm clouds.

I sat in the chair in the bedroom, quietly drawing at the desk. I was listening to the storm outside. It was actually calming, until one massive thunder strike right outside struck.

"Agh!" I yelled. I felt I almost jumped out my skin.
"Oh sweet satan.." I sighed under my breath. I almost had a bloody heart attack.

I open the door, I wanted to see my partner, copia.

I knock his office door before opening it.
"Yes ghoul..?- oh its you." he says tiredly."sorry, most of the ghouls all look the same haha.."he continued.
" just wanted to see how things were going."I said with a smile. A sad smile. I felt sorry for him. He looks so tired. I wish he could take a break. He's working his ass off here.

"You look..tired. do you want me to tell seestor uh- sister to let you have a little break..?"
I offered concerned.

"It's fine, a coffee from Starbucks would be nice though if you could grab me one? Kids temp with milk and 1 spoon of sugar is how I have it"
He asks with a forced smile.
"Ofcourse, I'll go grab you one the now." I say giving a kiss om the cheek to him before leaving, as I closed the door I heard him chuckle softly.

I leave to get Starbucks. I get drenched in the torrential rain. I arrive at the nearby Starbucks and pay for his kids temp latte and my frappé.

I get back after buying an umbrella which broke just as I got inside.
"Aw man." I say before trashing it.

I walk back to his office still soaked with the drinks.

"I have your coffee :)" I say slightly loudly and smiling.
"Ah scared me" copia sighed.
"Sorry..but I have what you ordered!" I smile.
"Thankyou, you're soaked! You need to change immediately, you don't wanna catch a cold do you? We have concerts coming up!" He says shouting slightly.
"Right right..sorry ill go change." I say handing the latte to him. He takes a sip.
"It's cold." He says before handing the latte back. I can tell he's getting more stressed by the minute.

"Shit..sorry.."I said sadly. I just wanted to do something nice.
"Hope you enjoy your drink.." he says turning his chair away. I felt bad. I left the room silently.

I went and looked for sister imperator.

"Sister, we need to have a word.."

stay with me. ||copia x Trans male/ masc reader||Where stories live. Discover now