chapter 3

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Papa pov:

I decided I had enough. I needed a break or I'd breakdown. I got up from Mt desk and blacked out because of the sudden drop in blood pressure and lack of food and such you know. I hadn't ate much. I wake up alone, on the floor of my office and my nose bleeding.
"Damn.." I say looking at the blood that had dried and stopped bleeding. I look in the mirror. My face had blood all down it.

I walk out to the bathroom to clean up. And I stumble into y/n. "Oh hey." I say making sure my nose had actually stopped bleeding.
"Oh shit are you ok!?" He worries. "Im fine..its just a nosebleed." I say calmly. "Alright uh..I have some wetwipes ill clean you up." He says taking some wipes out and wiping the dried blood off my face carefully. "Does it hurt..?" He asks concerned. "No..dont worry." I say.
"I sorry about shouting at you earlier." I apologise.
"It's alright.." he says. He finished getting the dried blood off my face. "Wanna do something with me papa..? I miss being with you." He says. It hurt to see him like this. "Yeah..we can do something. we have to get a flight to America for the up coming tour dates at 5 am today so, we can get dinner together as I'm free then pack, hang out then sleep for the flight? And on the flight we can do something" I say as he nodded his head. "Yeah, that seems awesome" he said. I smiled.

"Alright, what should we get for dinner then?" I ask.
"Hmmm, I'm thinking pizza?" He smiles. "Yeah, that's a good idea, I'll order pizza for all of us then we can do something after" I say patting his head. His hair is so so soft. Idk what he uses for it but wow.
"Wow, your hair is so soft.." i catch myself touching his hair ALOT. "Ahem uh..sorry." I pull my hand away. "It's ok, you wanna know what I use?" He asks putting an eyebrow up."Yes that'd be exelent-e" I say messing around with words like I always do. "Well, I use a diluted rosemary oil, reason to why its so thick, and also a hydrating hair mask, then I wash with shampoo only because if i use conditioner it'll be too hydrated and basically greasy haha" he explains. "I bet your hair smells nice" I say. "Yeah, usually" he smiles.

We order the pizzas for everyone and cuddle on the couch while watching Dr who from season 1, I've never watched Dr who before this. Its good so far.

The pizza arrived and we ate at the big dinner table.

It got to about 7pm and we decided to watch something in our room in bed we cuddled in bed.

Y/n pov

As we cuddled, I kept feeling him touch my hair. It was nice. I laughed.
"What is it?" He asked sleepily as it was 10 pm. I lied on his chest. He let me do that now as he got top surgery many months before.
"You have a thing with my hair hm?" I say "Yeah. I like your hair." He says. I laugh tiredly as I buried my head into his chest. "You tired..?" He asks. "Mhm.." I hummed as he chuckled.

My eyes felt heavy, he set his alarm to 3 am so we could have enough time to wake up, pack, eat, all the sorts.

I felt my eyes get heavier. I couldn't keep my eyes open for longer. I gave in and drifted off. My hear.on his chest and his hand caressing my head. It was nice.

He has no clue how much I would give up for him.
I'm lost without him.

(Haha cirice refrence)

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