Chapter 24

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Knockout just waved his servo in response as Soundwave left the room.
Valena snug against him as she slept. One of her hands raised up in her sleep and gently laid on his cheek as she shifted.

He smiled, rubbing her back with his digits as he went back to his room. As he opened the door, he saw Radio was awake, sitting up and scratching Remix's head. She looked up and smiled as he came, seeing Val. "I was wondering where you'd gone." She said as he sat down with her. "What happened to your arm?"
"Crate fell on it," he answered, "she had a breakdown but everything's been sorted out now." He grinned, showing his teeth.

Valena hummed in her sleep, cuddling into him even more if it was possible. Burrowing into his cabling.

"She looks comfortable." She smiled, leaning her head against his arm, "I'm glad she's accepted us."

"Yeah, me too." He said, gently stroking her.

Megatron knocked on his door, waiting silently.

Instead though, Radio got up and opened it, looking up at him. "Hello sir." She greeted.

"Let Soundwave know the autobots have arrived and they want to see him and Valena. I would recommending not waking her though as it will show them how comfortable she is. Especially as Arcee, Bulkhead and even Ratchet are a little skeptical." Megatron spoke. "They are all currently by the groundbridge."

"Yessir." She saluted. "We'll be there now." She then quickly ran back to her dad. "Megatron says the Autobots are here."

He looked up at her and nodded before standing and going over. "Lead the way." He said as Radio came up behind him, the symbiotes next to her.

Megatron nodded as he walked with them down the hall. To hear the sound of kids shouting and three bots scolding them.

"Sound like a lively bunch." Radio commented as they walked in to see all the Autobots and humans there.

All of the bots and humans looked up immediately seeing Soundwave and his group enter with Megatron.
Optimus's optics resting immediately on Valena. "Is she alright?" He asked, looking at Soundwave.

"Well considering where she fell asleep, yes." Soundwave smiled, letting his hand fall so they could see her. Radio stayed behind him, looking out slightly.

Raf smiled. "Awe, that looks so sweet. She looks very comfortable."
"I am still concerned about her health. I didn't forget about my wrenches, Soundwave. I know Knockout has been getting onto you." Ratchet scolded. Holding a large wrench to prove his point.
"Ratchet, that is not necessary." Optimus scolded. "At least she is comfortable and alive for now."

"I've been taking care of her. Don't worry." He said, gently poking her to wake her up.

Valena grumbled in response, trying to weakly push his digit away. "Soundwave..." She groaned. "I already had energon earlier. I'm not hungry."

"We have guests here starlight." He said softly. "Wouldn't want you to miss a meeting with the Autobots."

"They can wait 5 minutes." She grumbled.

Raf just laughed in response. Ratchet however grumbled. "It's nice to see you too, Valena. Especially when you scare the scrap out of us back at your house."

Valena shot up in response, sending a very weak glare at him. "That wasn't my choice, I followed my heart and in response I got picked up. However, it has been the best day of my entire life." Smiling as she looked up at Soundwave.

"Ok, what happened between you two because I'm not getting kidnapper-prisoner vibes from you guys." Arcee said, looking at him with a raised eyebrow as Soundwave nuzzled her.

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