Ch. 8: Dominant Debut

Start from the beginning

"An amazing performance indeed, but it will not win the match for the new rising star" Wade noted. "Racheal Moonster still has quite the task in front of her"

"Right you are, Wade; and I think the biggest question on everyone's mind is: can this young athlete live up to the hype that has surrounded her and capture her first big moment?"

The bell rings, drawing the crowd's attention back to the Announcer.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Brighton England, making her NXT in-ring debut! The White Wolf, RRRACHEALLLLL MOOOOOONSTERRRR!!!!"

The crowd cheered as Racheal gave another howl and rose a fist in the air. It was then when she noticed Sargent Jackman in the front row. He granted her a little salute while she pointed at him.

The mood quickly changes in the arena with the echo of Candice LeRae's theme.

"And her opponent, accompanied to the ring by Indi Hartwell and representing The Way! She is one half of the NXT Women's Tag Team Champions, Candice LeRae!!!"

The boos continue as Mrs. Gargano makes her way to the ring with her partner by her side, both showing off their belts while Moonster sits in the corner Darby Allin style.

"Personally, I think Racheal has made an early tactical error in her young career" Wade doubtfully stated. "Candice LeRae is a veteran of the game who has seen it all in this business. This young rookie is in for a rude awakening"

The Princess of the Pact is eyeing her prey with much intent and focus. Her features are as cold as ice and hard like stone. Candice and Indi enter the ring, LeRae glaring at her opponent for this bout before raising their titles. The female captain of The Way hands her title to Hartwell before both competitors remove their jackets, not taking their eyes off each other. As soon as Hartwell moves to the outside, the referee calls for the bell.

The match is underway!

Racheal and Candice immediately meet in the center of the ring, looking to lock up, but Racheal suddenly shifts gears. She scoops up Candice by the waist and tackles her straight into the corner, already using her size advantage over LeRae. She then begins rapidly driving her shoulder into the midsection of the Poison Pixie. She has to stop before the referee's count gets her disqualified, but pulls LeRae by one arm out of the corner and into a viscous clothesline. Everyone watching is already in disbelief by the power and aggression shown by the new wrestler. She moves to stand behind Candice and helps her up a little. However, she then hops up the second rope of the corner, sitting on the top turnbuckle before wrapping her arm LeRae's neck and lifting her into a Hangman's, or Hang-Woman's in this case, choke hold. The ref once again starts counting as Candice kicks and struggles for air. Moonster releases her before getting disqualified, Candice flopping to the mat. The wolf then hops back down to roll up her back and puts her in a camel clutch variation. She was like a demented overgrown child playing with her new toy and even had the sadistic grin to go with it. She didn't keep the hold for long, though, and got off of Candice, allowing her to roll to the outside. She coughed and gagged and did her best to regain her breath. Indi also knelt beside her in the hopes of assisting her partner. She brought Candice to her feet, but that only helped set up for Racheal's next surprise. She charged across the ring, letting the ropes push her back and then dove to take out both Women's Tag Champs with a suicide dive.

The crowd was unglued from their seats and growing more and more electric as the match progressed. They were even already chanting "THIS IS AWESOME" while Racheal threw Candice back in the ring.

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