18 - One last night of Normalcy

Start from the beginning

Taeyong furrowed his brow, "hey the Hulk is my friend. Stop putting him down."

Bruce simply gave a short smile. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Maybe. But I've at least talked to the Hulk, at least we get along." He took his glass, raising it slightly before turning to jump off the barstool and find someone else to talk to.

Taeyong wandered around the room for a little while, grinning at Thor who was telling some story to a bunch of veterans with enthusiastic waves and excited swings of his large glass of beer. Taeyong steered his way through the taller adults, giving a small wave to Taeil who sent him a thumbs up before returning to talk to Helen Cho and Uncle Rhodey. Then Taeyong found Steve in the middle of a game of pool with one of his vet friends.

If Taeyong remembered correctly the man was Sam Wilson, he was there to help during the take down of S.H.I.E.L.D. Taeyong saddled up to Steve, giving the man a grin when he looked down at him. "I hope that's juice young man."

"Apple," Taeyong said, holding out the glass. "How's it?"

"Chill, little man," Sam said, standing up from his position. His eyes were trained on the pocket where his object ball fell into . Taeyong gave a little cheer, moving out of the way for Steve to play. "So I heard you were in the mission too, take down any HYDRA agents?"

Taeyong shook his head, "nah. Just went to talk the Hulk down into Bruce again though... so that was fun, I guess?"

"Wait-" Sam tilted his head, looking between Steve and then Taeyong- "you went up against the Hulk?"

Taeyong felt pride stir in his gut and he jutted out his hip against the pool table, taking a sip from his glass. "What? Like it's hard?"

Steve snorted but did give a nod, "Taeyong and the Hulk are an interesting pair of friends."

"You guys are friends?!"

"Once again, like it's hard?" Taeyong snickered, looking back down at the game. "The Hulk is his own entity and his main drive isn't just to smash a bunch of stuff, but to ultimately protect Bruce." He gave a very confident nod, "he's also pretty cool, and he understands basic phrases so when I want Bruce back he allows it. Just need for Bruce to understand."

"It'll always be hard," Steve commented, leaning against his pool stick. "When you have something bigger than yourself or what you were meant to be, there's a lot of pressure on you to do right. With the Hulk it must be even worse, because he only creates destruction."

Sam gave a small nod. "But he's doing good now."

"'Controlled chaos' is how we phrase it," Taeyong explained. "I just need more people to see that the Hulk and Bruce and two very different people... harder than you think."

"Not when you say it like that," Sam shrugged. "So Bruce and the Hulk, two different personalities?"

Taeyong nodded, "oh for sure. The Hulk is protective and intelligent in his own right." Taeyong took another sip and then winced, biting at his cheek. "Gods the ice is killing my teeth... anyway yeah! The Hulk is almost like the baby of the Avengers. Need to steer him in the right direction but he'll get there and Bruce? Bruce is a grumpy old man with seven PhD's, dad says staying in school for that long is what makes him angry in real life."

Sam laughed, "I bet. Imagine that, seven PhD's. What- what do you need seven for?"

Taeyong shrugged, "you don't. There's no position in the world that requires that many. But... it is still cool."

"I'm still in shock that you called the Hulk the 'baby' of our group," Steve said honestly.

Taeyong gave a nod, "my wisdom knows no bounds, Captain. Now if you gentlemen'll excuse me."

Taeyong left his glass of apple juice on the side of the pool table and wiped his damp hand against the black jeans he opted to wear instead of actual dress pants. He wandered over to Rhodey, who had managed to escape whatever conversation Tony, Thor and Hill were in because he was retelling a story to a bunch of other people.

"I fly right up to the general's palace, I drop it at his feet, I'm, like, 'Boom. You looking for this?'"

Almost immediately, everyone around that small lounge area burst out laughing and Rhodey grinned. Taeyong tilted his head, not really understanding the punchline but maybe he just needed the full context. He walked past their group and eventually made it towards the upper levels in a secluded corner where Taeil was in the middle of a conversation with two other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

One was Jungwoo, who had the opportunity to go and work in their S.W.O.R.D. database but much preferred staying at Stark Industries. The other boy, who was South Asian, short and scrutinising his glass of what appeared to be regular looking alcohol, was leaning most of his weight against Jungwoo.

"Hey guys," Taeyong said, leaning back against the railing and giving each of them a smile.

"Oh hey Taeyong," Jungwoo raised his glass and quickly steered his S.H.I.E.L.D. friend to one of the stools. "This is my friend, Tommy, he doesn't drink much."

"Or at all," Tommy said, holding his glass with two hands. Tommy peered over his glass, glaring at the contents. "Thor gave me some... said it wasn't for mortal men. But one of the vets basically bet him on it and now here I am... by the Gods themselves... I feel so- so-"

"So?" Taeil asked, amused.


Taeyong snorted, "you should probably stop drinking that then."

Tommy gave a nonchalant nod but remained firm gripped as he finally looked up. He blinked at Taeyong, staring at him for a good couple of seconds before he stretched himself up to his full height, which was not so much taller than Taeyong and sighed. "I think... I think I should go home. Try to sleep whatever this is off."

"I can take you?" Jungwoo asked, hand on his shorter friend's shoulder.

"Nah, nah. I know you wanted to talk to the Captain America," Tommy held out a little fist and got the three boys to 'fist bump' him but it didn't go so well.

Taeil titled his head, watching Tommy try and connect their hands together. "Make sure you take care of Jungwoo, he's on his second glass."

Jungwoo scoffed, "right. I'm the one who needs help."

Taeyong lifted a worried brow, "um... how much did you drink?"

Tommy hugged the glass of Asgardian mead to his chest, "this is my first glass."

"But-" Taeyong watched him slowly walk away -"he didn't even finish that?"

NEXT TIME ON: Dawn of New Change

Taeyong got up, running over to the Hammer and rubbing his palms together.

"So... I get Asgard?" he asked, looking back at Thor.

"Sure," Thor chuckled.

"Neat," Taeyong grinned.

[2] Taeyong Lee-Stark and the Dawn of New ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now