Chapter 2: That's what Bilbo Baggins hates.

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"One Dwarf short?" Harry asked. 

"He is late is all. He traveled to a meeting of our kin. He will come." Dwalin commented as he lounged in a nearby corner.

Balin approached Gandalf with a Glass of Wine in hand. "Ad you requested, a glass of red wine. It's got a fruity bouquet."

"Cheers!" Gandalf replied as he took the cup. 

But Bilbo had also seen one of the Dwarves with a hat known as Bofur carry out a dolly. 

All the Dwarves were not seated around Bilbo's Dining Room, with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna. The Dwarves all being messy about preparing and eating. 

Harry at least tried to be restrained. Ron was taking full advantage of the chaos. Ginny was trying to grab as much food as she could. While Neville was just protecting his food so the others won't take it. Luna was just sitting there in a dream like face. And Hermione just looked so disgusted at all the Dwarves and their eating habits.

"Does anybody want napkins?" Hermione asked nervously.

All the Dwarves all glared at her. "That Hermione is such a prankster. Isn't she? That's why she's the funniest girl in all of Hogwarts." Harry timidly said out loud while also laughing. 

And all the Dwarves started to laugh.

"It wasn't a-" Hermione started to protest. But Harry had quickly kicked her leg under the table. "Shutting up." She finally said while also managing a nervous laugh. 

"Oi! What's your name?" Fili asked Neville.

"Neville Longbottom." Neville answered. 

"Toss me a loaf of bread?" Fili requested.

"Um... sure." Neville answered wanting to be helpful.

Fili caught the Bread. "Gloin! Catch!" He threw the bread across the table, towards Gloin. Gloin catching it in his mouth. And all the Dwarves applauded.

"Okay. That was brilliant that was." Harry said. 

"That's totally barbaric." Hermione commented.

"I reckon that Sirius would enjoy it." Ginny shot back.

"He so would." Harry agreed. 

As Bilbo watched the Dwarves feast. It was clear that he was disgusted just as much as Hermione was. Quickly, he turned to face the pantry, which was now completely cleared of all food.

"Now, Harry my boy. These are some of the Dwarves you see. Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, and Ori." Gandalf introduced. 

"Are you sure that this is alright, Gandalf?" Harry asked. 

"What do you mean?" Gandalf asked.

"You know what he means." Hermione said not being able to take it anymore. "We've just invaded this poor man's home. And you didn't inform him that we were coming. I feel like a trespasser now." 

"You are not trespassing. You are here at my invitation. And Bilbo does not mind being a host." Gandalf defended.

"He's right, Hermione. Can't you just enjoy the food?" Ron asked stuffing his face again.

"I will not!" Hermione yelled affronted. 

But that was just the beginning. Kili had entered the kitchen, using a Doily to wipe his face. Bilbo came in behind him and ripped the doily out of Kili's hands. 

"Excuse me, that is a doily, not a dish cloth." Bilbo told him. 

"But it's full of holes." Fili pointed out. 

The Boy Who Lived and the Hobbit. (A Harry Potter/Hobbit Crossover.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz