I am a proud father... or mother, since I was called dad or papa, and mom or mama. I played both roles, I guess...

Ten minutes later...

I stretched, uncrossing my arms as I was leaning against another tree, watching UN being tortured by my kids. I sighed and walked up to my children, speaking to them all. "Alright now, stop the madness! For now at least..." The children groaned in disappointment, and stopped throwing whatever they were throwing. I untied UN, then watch him stumble to the ground, slowly standing back up. UN brushed himself off and just stood for what felt like an eternity, before speaking, dumbfounded. "W-what the hell... W-why did t-these... I don't e-even know what to think anymore... W-why did they listen to you? Why do they have flags on their faces like us? Why do they look like kids?... And why in the actual world does that kid have a gun?!"

I looked at my kids, then back at UN, not answering for a bit. I eventually did respond though, speaking to UN. "Why are you asking so many questions?" UN then glared at me and sighed, knowing I could tell the kids to continue. UN spoke, nervous to make me angry in the slightest. "Just... Why did these... Things... Listen to you?"

Russia came up behind me, his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Russia seemed out of breath from laughing, still giggling a bit. Russia leaned on me, and answered to UN plainly. "They're America's kids that he somehow hid from all of us... And took care of them all by himself! I think that you- All of the countries really- should credit this guy more...  I think our standards for America are way too low, since nobody really expected him to be this responsible."

I gasped dramatically and huffed, speaking in an annoyed tone. "Hey! You didn't think that low of me, did you!?" UN's face was white and his mouth hung agape, seeming uncomfortable, mainly about past teasing, past personal insults, and past petty jokes. I grumbled as Russia chuckled, but sighed as I didn't want to insult Russia, or a barrage of insults would come from my kids, directed at Russia. I turned around and walked back to the center of the plot, where the picnic tables were.

I sat down, hearing two others sit down, one next to me, and one across from me. I looked over to see UN on the other side of the table, and Russia sitting to my left. I sat up straight and readjusted my shades, then looked at UN, knowing well he wanted to ask some questions.

UN opened his mouth to speak, but I interrupted him with a sneeze, which sounded high-pitched. Why would that matter? Russia chuckled at my sneeze and spoke. "Aw, America sneezes like a girl!"

I frowned and glared at Russia, speaking with slight frustration. "Oh really? Well how 'bout I pound you like a boy!?"




I shouldn't have said that.

Russia's face flushed and he looked at me, mouth hanging open. UN was silent and staring at me. I spoke quickly, sounding nervous. "Wait- NO- WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!"

I was about to say something else, until I saw Wyoming staring at me with the biggest and most teasing smirk.  Wyoming ran over to me and spoke teasingly, not giving a fuck about UN and Russia being there. "So mom, are you finally gonna get la-"

I grabbed Wyoming, picked him up, and walked to Hawaii and a few other states who were looking for someone to play dress up with. I grinned and set Wyoming down, who had sheer terror on his face. "You guys can play dress up with Wyoming today, and papa won't stop you guys, have fun~" I smiled and watched the kids mercilessly dragging the screaming Wyoming into the dressing room, to play some dress up. I quickly remembered something else and shouted after them "Oh yeah, you guys can play with Uncle Dixie too!" The grin on my face became wider as I saw Hawaii send a few states out with lassoes to wrangle the bird and play dress up with Confetti as well.

I walked back over to the bench and sat down, only to see UN and Russia flabbergasted because I accidentally made a sexual joke, and also were terrified by how much power I had as long as my kids were with me.

UN smiled nervously and stood, speaking. "I think I will just ask my questions later..." I nodded. Russia finally got his blush under control, before speaking in a teasing but also nervous tone. "That was a very interesting joke..."

I sighed and didn't respond, so there was just awkward silence.

Then there was random screaming which sounded like:


So naturally, I stood up and ran in the direction where the noise came from, and Russia followed right behind me, also worried.

Now there's a cliffhanger!

I do hope that this was good, but I did have fun writing this, so yay. Any ideas are welcome, so if you could, share some thoughts and I can include them in the next chapter! 

Now, have a good night/day!

[ How Many Kids?!] -RusameUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum