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Another day is done. Team Z just finished their third match against Team W, coming out as the winner.

Kazuki, his mind still buzzing, decides to venture out into the hallway ahead of his teammates. Lost in his thoughts, he absentmindedly roams the corridor, oblivious to his surroundings.

As fate would have it, he stumbles upon a mysterious room with no sign to indicate its purpose. Unbeknownst to him, this room holds an unexpected surprise. Ego and Anri, engrossed in reviewing game footage, are caught completely off guard by Kazuki's sudden intrusion.

The door swings open, and Kazuki steps inside, his eyes widening in surprise as he spots Ego and Anri, their attention abruptly diverted from the screen. In an instant, his serious demeanor takes over, and he swiftly approaches them, his face a picture of earnestness.

At this moment forward, Kazuki's quiet demeanor is gone. He have entered his rambling realm. It would be such a rare moment that Ego and Anri would be able to witness. 

Kazuki's unintentional roasting mode.

"Uh sorry..." Kazuki apologizes with genuine sincerity, his words dripping with a touch of comedic timing. But what he fails to realize is the effect his unintentional hilarity has on the two individuals before him.

Ego, annoyed by the unexpected disruption, fixes Kazuki with a glare, ready to voice his frustration. But Kazuki, completely oblivious to the tension, gazes back at Ego with a blank expression, his comedic timing unwittingly turning the situation into a hilarious exchange.

"By the way, since i'm here now anyways, I've been meaning to ask since that day we first met," Kazuki responds in a deadpan tone, his eyes wide and innocent, "are you a fan of the color gray? Because you always seem so... monotone." His remark hangs in the air, his face still etched with a deadpan expression, oblivious to the comedic gold he has unwittingly created.

Ego's eyebrows shoot up in annoyance, his voice dripping with irritation as he retorts, "Kazuki, we're reviewing important footage here!"

But Kazuki, his face an impenetrable mask of seriousness, continues with his unintentional roasting, undeterred by Ego's frustration. "Oh, my apologies," he says, his voice devoid of any hint of amusement. "I thought seriousness and monotony were synonymous."

Anri, unable to suppress her laughter, clamps her hand over her mouth, her eyes sparkling with mirth. She struggles to maintain her composure, attempting to stifle her giggles as she watches the unintentional comedy unfold before her.

"You really have a way with words, don't you?" Ego deadpans, his monotone voice carrying a tinge of exasperation.

Kazuki, still sporting his blank expression, replies without missing a beat, "They do say that words can be weapons. I suppose I've honed my craft."

Anri, now openly laughing, shakes her head in disbelief at the absurdity of the situation. The room fills with an awkward yet infectious atmosphere, as the tension dissolves into laughter that threatens to consume them all.

Kazuki, still oblivious to the comedic chaos he has unleashed, blinks innocently at Ego, waiting for a response that is yet to come. The absurdity of the situation, combined with Kazuki's unintentional comedic timing, creates a moment of levity that none of them could have anticipated.

"Also, do you ever take a break from being so serious? Your monotone voice could put a robot to sleep."

Ego's irritation reaches its peak, his face flushing with a mix of frustration and amusement. His patience wears thin as he shoots a withering glare at Kazuki.

"Kazuki, can't you just be normal for once? We're trying to focus here!"

Kazuki, his face still devoid of emotion, offers a deadpan response, "Normal?, I'm not sure I understand the concept. But I guess monotony has its charm."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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