; ? - Akaza x Reader

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{ # In which, you are a human female who enjoys taking late night walks, and you encounter a 'human' by the name of 'Akaza'.

{ # If any mistakes have been found, or if anything could be improved, let me know. This oneshot has not yet been beta read.

[ Per request of @kyuumeruu ]

" Thank you so much for helping me walk home, (Y/N). " Keiji would smile, bowing to you.

He was standing at the frame of his home's doors, the light from within welcoming your eyes.

Keiji Uehara was an old man, maybe in his 50's or 60's, who lived at your village. His home wasn't quite far from your own, so accompanying him to his house wouldn't make you suffer much of a loss.

In fact, despite Keiji's back pain, he was quite a nice man to talk to. A moment with him would never be boring, as he was filled with surprises.

Often, he'd tell stories of when he was in his prime, and he claimed to be a 'slayer' of some sort.

" It's nothing, Keiji-san! It was a harmless thing to do. " You smile back, shaking your hands as you insist that gratitude was unnecessary.

Keiji would chuckle at the gesture, " There is no need for honorifics, (Y/N). I would prefer if you'd call me by my name, after all, we aren't strangers - are we not? "

You sigh, rolling your eyes playfully, " Yes, old man. We are well acquainted. " 

Keiji would karate-chop your head lightly, and you'd squawk at the sudden motion, "Hey! What was that for?! " You'd frown, which then curls back upward into a smile.

Keiji laughed, " I'm not that old, (Y/N). You should get going now, it is quite late. The moon is at it's highest, too. "

Despite being quite 'ancient', Keiji was always quite agile. It must have been because of his upringing.

You'd nod, and wave as you begin to walk off, " I'll get going, then! Goodbye, Keiji-san! "

Keiji smiles, " Had I not taught you to drop the honorifics, (Y/N)? "

You begin to pick up the pace, " See you some other time, goodnight! "

Keiji would snort, shaking his head as he slides his doors shut.

You begin walking in the direction of your home, sighing contently.

You take in the scent of the air around you. You enjoyed these quiet and calm nights - walking at times like these were quite soothing.

Halfway on the path there, you feel a presence. Your gaze would shift around nervously, and you felt as though eyes were piercing through you.

You look ahead, and then you spot a figure sitting on the rooftops of some of the village buildings ahead.

By the direction their head seemed to be in, they seemed to be looking at you.

You inch closer, squinting as you try to make out who it could be.

" Hello? Is someone there? " You call out, eyeing the figure.

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