iii. hi dads!

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Sweet, sweet, Daphne,

How are you holding up since the breakup? I hope you're okay, my love.
It all happened so suddenly, and it must be hard for you, but you'll make do, because you're my strong, strong girl.
When you're ready, you can talk to me again about it.
I love you!
Signed, with absolute love,
Remus Lupin-Black

Dear Daphne,
What did he do? What went wrong, Daph?
This is really sudden, and it's all so confusing. I mean, he just met us, and now it's over between you two?
Was it us? Did we do something?
You'll get through this, cupcake. You're my girl and you can fucking do anything, certainly you can get over Nott.
Talk to me when you're ready.
Love you, my darling.
Sirius Lupin-Black.

Our dearest darling girl,
Hey, it's dads!
We decided to write a joint letter, this is Papa (Remus)!!! Pops (Sirius) is adding his bit in later.
Okay, so me and Pops have been wondering when we could visit you! How's your schedule? Can you spare some time for your poor old fathers?
I miss you so much, Daphne!!!
- Papa

Why didn't you respond to our last letter????
Are you still upset???
Anyway, fuck Theo Nott and whatever the fuck he did.
When can we come? Please respond to this one we really miss you, kiddo.
- Pops

Dearest Daphne,
Pops wanted to get a dog.
Please help me vote against it.
He is already a dog, why would he need another one????
We miss you lots, dear. Please write back so he could calm down about the dog thing.
- Papa

My beautiful child,
Convince your papa to get a dog for ke please and thank you I want a fluffy friend.
- Pops

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