The End (Part 2)

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Present Day

"You're right Killian. This isn't who I am..." Emma muttered, before realizing what she had to do. Emma raised Excalibur, absorbing all the darkness into it.
"Do it... Stab me. Remember me as a villain, considering all I've done is hurt you all. I was weak here, and in Camelot. Let me make up for it now by being strong..."
"Swan, this isn't the way!"
"It is.... It's the only way. I love you, Killian. I love you more than anything, NOW DO IT!"
"No, Swan. I can't lose you..."
"I don't want to lose you either. But, you have to let me go." Emma replied. She went up to Killian, and kissed him, before he stabbed her. He watched as Excalibur disintegrated in his hand, and dropped down with her body. He didn't plan on letting his Swan go, he never could. After getting pulled away from Emma, he just glared at everyone.
"THAT'S YOUR BLOODY SAVIOR! I HOPE YOU'RE PROUD, NOW THAT WE'VE LOST HER!" He yelled at everyone. "Maybe if you all hadn't pushed her so hard to destroy it, she'd still be alive!"
"Calm down, Hook." Regina snapped. "She's gone, there's nothing we can do about it."
Killian shoved Regina, before walking off. He was going to his ship. He would never let Emma go, Killian was going to look for a way to bring Emma back. She was his happy ending. And he wasn't going to lose it again. He was lost without Emma.

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