Consumed by Darkness

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Six Weeks Ago

Emma looked at Killian.
"I can't let you stop me Love... And if I have to I'll hurt you." She snapped.
"I'll never give up on you... You're my happy ending. I'll never lose it... I refuse to lose you to the same thing I lost Milah to."
"Then you're a fool. The old Emma is gone. For good."

Present Day

Emma walked through Storybrooke, she then went into Gold's shop. She went to the back, where he was, and then Emma poofed the two of them to her house.

Killian walked into Granny's later on.
"I know that look, press the button on the side to turn it on." Killian told Robin.
"I know how a phone works, mate." Robin replied.
"The bloody hell is that?"
"A picture from up inside Zelena."
"Woah mate-"
"Not like that... It's the baby. I know this is hurting Regina... But a part of me- a part of me actually cares about this child. And it makes me happy."
"Aye. Seems complicated." Killian replied.
"Ahh, yes. Like your very simple love life."
"Order up, for Killian Jones." Granny said.
Killian raised an eyebrow.
"But I didn't-"
"Check the back of the bag, mate." Robin told Killian, flipping the bag to the other side. Killed sighed, seeing that there was a note from Emma.

Killian sighed and went to his ship.
"What the hell do you bloody want Swan?" He muttered, and jumped when Emma appeared behind him.
"It's not funny, you appearing like that."
"Sorry. I thought we could sit and talk over lunch, like we used to."
"Alright. Then talk."
"I think we can take the next step in our relationship-"
"Are you bloody crazy, Swan?"
"Look at Gold and Belle."
"I don't think you should be using the crocodile as a bloody example, considering he's the reason you're like this."
"Killian, I love you... Please, just, listen to me."
"You know what, Swan? I have a few questions. I want you to answer them."
"Let me guess, am I your Emma?"
"No, because that'd be too complicated. Let's start with something simple. What's behind that bloody door in your house?"
"Why do you want to know? Plus, with my powers I could hide anything from your prying eyes."
"And that just answered my first bloody question. Because Emma wouldn't play games."
"Killian, I'm better like this."
"As the dark one?"
"I was closed off, scarred, and judgmental. It took me forever to see the magic in this place. Look at Gold, he changed for the better after becoming the dark one. He was a coward before."
"No, Swan. I was the villain in that little drama." Killian grabbed a cutlass.
"He was a man desperate to keep his family together, and I taunted him. I ran this cutlass along his head. Called him a coward. The only person on that ship who's changed for the better is me, Swan."
"Hey, remember when we were in the other book and I taught you swordplay?" Emma asked, going behind Killian, but he stepped away from her.
"Enough games, dark one! What do you want?"
"How about I ask you a question for once." Emma scoffed.
"Go ahead."
"Do you love me?" Emma asked.
"I loved you Swan. I loved your walls, I loved being the one to break them down. Now I'll either be swimming home or steering home."
"Ship's yours." Emma mumbled, looking down before she disappeared in a whirl of black smoke, she had taken the cutlass with her.

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