The Forest

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Six Weeks Ago

Emma walked through the forest, she had seemed to be going in circles.

"Dearie, let me help you! You're just going around in circles." The darkness told Emma. Emma turned and glared at it.
"Fine. But no magic." Emma had made her terms clear.
"In your mind's eye envision... A peaceful area. A traveling stream... Quiet, trees surrounding." Emma had done exactly as the darkness had said, and she ended up exactly in that area.
"Congratulations dearie, you've made your first magical transportation!"
"You tricked me!"
"Of course I did, I'm a dark one!"
Emma rolled her eyes, then she heard someone.

A woman in a blue dress with red, curly hair had her bow pulled.
"Oi! The wisp is mine, bitch! I need it to find my brothers!" Merida yelled. The blonde stared at Merida.
"I don't want to fight you." Emma told Merida.
"Take her out dearie!" The darkness exclaimed. Emma refused and went up to Merida.
"The wisp is yours." Emma told her before going off. Merida tilted her head and continued heading to bring the wisp back.

"That was your only chance, dark one!" The darkness yelled.
"Shit... Where would she be? Tell me what it looks like."
"I thought you didn't want to use magic?"
"I don't. But it's necessary."
"Wonderful Dearie!"
Emma would then appear in the place after doing the steps necessary to get there.
"Merida, I'm trying to get rid of the darkness."
"You're a witch, with demons in your bloody head!"
"Listen to me.." Emma would then get an arrow shot at her. Emma caught the arrow and threw it aside.
"I like her spunk, break her neck." The darkness encouraged. Emma refused, getting arrow after arrow shot at her.
"Kill her dark one!"
Emma finally lost control. She sped up to Merida and ripped the red head's heart out. Emma started to squeeze on it when Killian, Regina, Snow, David, Henry and Belle showed up.
"Emma, luv, don't do this." Killian told the woman he loved.
Emma looked at Killian.
"You don't understand what's at stake. If I don't do this... We'll never find Merlin. We'll never stop the darkness!" Emma replied.
"This isn't you luv, it's the darkness speaking. Look, you have heroes, and former villains all here to help you." Killian was attempting to calm Emma down. Emma then sighed and returned Merida's heart.
"Thank you..." Emma mumbled draping her arms around Killian's neck.

"I think you should have this." Snow told Emma, holding out the dagger with her name on it. Emma grabbed the dagger.
"No, I could lose control. I have to give it to someone else who I can trust." Emma muttered before giving the dagger to Regina.
"I saved you, now you save me. And if you can't, do what nobody else will do and destroy me."
Regina nodded.
"Hopefully she won't need to." Henry chimed in.
"I know kid... I know." Emma told her son, before hugging him.

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