You deserve a normal human life

Start from the beginning

Yet, my focus shifted to the mysterious figure lurking behind the billowing garments. And then, to my astonishment, it opened its eyes. A gasp escaped my lips, a mixture of surprise and apprehension. As the clothes swayed, the moonlight illuminated her presence. There she was, wearing the same uniform adorned with blood stains. The fabric concealed her momentarily, and when the clothes drifted apart again, she had vanished without a trace. 

The unsettling encounter compelled me to retreat from the balcony. Sensing the need to seek solace and safety, I returned to my room and laid down on my bed, attempting to find some respite. The question lingered in my mind: Was she following me? Fortunately, the protective properties of the blue stone I possessed provided assurance that no spirits could enter my home.

 As I regained consciousness, I discovered myself in a strange and unsettling location. My hand was tightly bound behind my back, rendering me immobile. I surveyed my surroundings and realized that I was trapped in what appeared to be a dungeon. The only source of light was a single bulb hanging from the ceiling, its heat causing me to perspire profusely. Dressed in a uniform, I felt the pangs of thirst and hunger intensifying within me. 

Suddenly, a door creaked open from the corner, unleashing a blinding brightness that made it impossible for me to open my eyes fully. Several men entered the room and promptly closed the door behind them. Three of them fixed their gaze upon me, with one individual standing out, dressed in an undershirt and lungi, a traditional garment worn around the waist in certain cultures.

Beside the man in the lungi, another individual spoke, saying, "He instructed us to finish her off." 

 In response, one of the men retorted, "We could include her with the package." 

 Overwhelmed by fear and desperation, tears streamed down my face as I pleaded, "Please, let me go." My voice sounded hoarse and strained. 

However, disregarding my pleas, the man in charge asserted, "She's awake, we can't take any chances. You, finish her off." 

As one of them approached me, he leaned in closer, revealing his dark brown complexion and a beard. His appearance suggested he was in his forties. Suddenly, my nightmare took a horrifying turn as he swiftly retrieved a knife and ruthlessly thrust it into my abdomen. The pain pierced through me, feeling all too real. But then, I abruptly woke up, my hand instinctively reaching for my abdomen. To my immense relief, there was no wound, no blood staining my clothes. My breathing was rapid, and my body drenched in sweat from the intensity of the nightmare. Glancing at my phone, I noted the time: 3:11 a.m. 

Seeking solace and distraction, I decided to listen to a few songs before attempting to sleep again, hoping to escape the haunting images that had plagued my subconscious. 

While rummaging through my closet, my mother inquired, "What are you searching for?" 

 I replied, "The saree we bought for your anniversary." In an unexpected turn of events, she swiftly moved past me and effortlessly retrieved the saree from the first shelf. How on earth did she manage to find it? I had been searching for that saree on that very shelf for nearly 15 minutes. 

It was the same saree I had chosen specifically for my mother. Now, it seemed like it was coming to my aid. Determined to wear it for the reception, I admired its beauty. The saree boasted a stunning metallic gold color, adorned with intricate black embroidery designs around the corners. I had always been fond of the combination of black and gold, or even silver and gold, and this saree perfectly embodied that elegant fusion. 

However, a new challenge arose as I realized that I hadn't stitched a blouse specifically for the saree. Nevertheless, I was accustomed to finding creative solutions for such problems. Then it struck me—I had a full-sleeved black crop tee that would fit me perfectly and complement the saree. 

After Life - Discovering the Depth of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now