7 - Sugar, Spice, and Nothing Nice

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⤷ 🍰 ----- CH. SEVEN

A KNOCKING WOKE the house at 2:04 AM

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A KNOCKING WOKE the house at 2:04 AM. Grumbling, Evan got up to get it. As the sole man of the house, any late night interruptions had become a responsibility befallen to him. Bleary-eyed, he grabbed the bat from under his bed and trudged to the door.

Who the hell would show up so late? Blinking twice and widening his eyes to wake himself up, he kept the bat hidden as he opened the door to find one sappy looking Jamie Tartt staring back at him.

"Fuck off, she doesn't want to see you."

Before Evan could shut him out, Jamie stopped the door with his hand. "I just need five minutes with her, mate."

Evan was unimpressed. He made a show of the bat, bringing it out from hiding—not that he needed it. "I've about twenty different ways I can knock you out right now."

"Look, I know you don't like me," Jamie said. "You never have, and I don't blame you. But really, all I need is a moment with her. I've had the shittiest night, and I just want to explain why I couldn't make it tonight."

Evan scoffed. "One shitty night isn't an excuse to go MIA."

"Yeah, well one shitty night also isn't an excuse to treat me like I've committed a felony now, is it?"

"Fuck. Off." Evan's face hardened. "You reek of liquor. I'm not letting you in."

"Would you just—"

Kate's eyes fluttered open, a pounding headache growing stronger by the second. From outside her door, she heard a nasty shuffling and a couple of shouts. She sighed. Evan and Darcy had agreed not to wrestle anymore past midnight.

Still waking up, she reached blindly for her phone, wincing at the screen's brightness. The time stared back at her, but so did ten unread messages and four missed calls. All from . . . Kate sat up abruptly and looked towards her coded bedroom door and the worsening sounds of shuffling.

It couldn't be. And then she heard a harsh thud and a loud yelp.

Tossing aside her blanket, Kate rushed to pull on a pair of shorts before throwing open her door.

She hated being right sometimes.

Laying at her doorway, inches from the pink slippers that adorned her feet, was one Jamie Tartt, served extra flustered.

"What the hell are you doing on my floor? And—" she threw a pointed glare at Evan who immediately looked away "—why the hell did you let him in?"

"I didn't!" Evan said, annoyance seeping into his words. "You know what, you guys figure out whatever the hell it is you need to. I can't believe my sleep is getting interrupted by this."

𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗘 𝗢𝗙 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘  ⤷  JAMIE TARTTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora