Chapter Two

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I dinged the bell on the bike I was riding and started laughing as me and Kurt rode bikes around an apartment we had found in Bushwick, a neighborhood in Brooklyn.

    "This place is amazing!" I exclaimed.

"For eighteen-hundred bucks a month we could get a shoe box in Manhattan or this hanger in Bushwick," my brother said.

"Yeah, but what's the crime rate in this neighborhood? Looks a little shady."

"It's better than Detroit and Demascus," Kurt said, making me laugh. "So, what do you think? Should we take it?"

"Are you crazy? Living here with you instead of those dorms? It's heaven!" I exclaimed.

As soon as we were done being the kids that we were, we ran to the landlord to put down a deposit, and call the place ours. We went back to Manhattan and got my stuff out of my dorm, let NYADA know I was moving out, and went back to our place. By the time we got back, it was about dinner time, so we picked up pizza at Domino's.

With no furniture yet, we were sitting on the floor in the middle of the apartment. Kurt was leaning against one of the pillars whilst we had the pizza box open next to us.

I took a bite of my pizza, "Oh, New York Domino's is so much better than Lima Domino's."

"It's the water," Kurt said before taking a sip of pop.

I sat down my pizza, "So, have you heard from Finn at all?"

"Not since you asked me yesterday. Is this Rachel wanting to know, or you being the concerned older sister?"

"Both. Rach wanted me to ask."

"Well, I'll tell her that he's just giving her space. As for you, he doesn't want you to worry about him. He's protective over you, like I am."

"I know," I said quietly, putting us in silence.

"You wanna feel nostalgic?"

I nodded with a smile.

"Blaine said they're doing Britney Week in Glee Club."

"Oh, it feels like a long time ago since we've been in the choir room."

"We are living in the future, Kimberly. Speaking of which, my plan."

"Okay," I said, resting my chin in my hands.

"I'm gonna re-audition for second semester in NYADA."


"In the meantime, I've applied for a job at the only place I feel will truly appreciate my sense of style and sophistication,"

"Ah! Perfect! And I'm there, so they'll see your last name, maybe then realize your name starts with a K too, connect the dots, and you can get hired!" I exclaimed. 

"I know it sounds crazy, but in a way I'm glad I didn't make it my first try. I've learned a lot about myself over the last couple months. I feel like I have a newfound resilience and focus."

"I wish I could use that. My voice teacher won't let up on me and my dance teacher is awful to Rachel and I want to try to help Rach, but it's kind of awkward when Cassie July tells one of your best friends that they aren't sexy enough."

"Cassie July is your dance teacher?"

I nodded.

"As in the Cassie July a.k.a. Crazy July, a.k.a. the biggest train wreck in Broadway history?"


"You don't know her story? Cassie July was the 'it' girl ten years ago. She scored the coveted role of Lola in a high profile revival of Damn Yankees. Then, during the first preview of the out-of-town tryout, a man's phone went off and she stopped the performance and started yelling at him. She threatened that the performance wouldn't continue until he got rid of his phone. She then grabbed one of the canes from the other performers and got off the stage before attacking the man."

New York: Book Four of the Kimberly Hummel SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora