Guess who's back, back again

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Up top is Diana Jones herself

Thank you for sticking around!

The first thing Dian heard when she opened her eyes wasn't New York traffic or even was the sound of gentle knocking. "Diana, are you awake?" Jürgen's voice was muffled, "Yeah, is something wrong?" She sat up quickly and put on her best "I've been awake for hours!" voice. Even thought the thick wooden door, she could clearly hear Jürgen chuckle. "No I was just wondering if you'd join me for breakfast?", Diana felt her mouth stretch to a smile "Sure, be right out!" she called. She almost tripped over her own feet with how fast she changed and got ready.

Only 5 minutes had passed, yes Jürgen timed it, before Diana opened the door looking as lovely as the day he first saw her. "Good morning, Diana" he greeted with a soft smile, "Morning, Doctor" she whispered. Diana was the type of morning person who didn't like to talk or make noise in the morning.

"Ready?" Voller asked hoping she'd take his arm or hand like yesterday, "Yes" she replied and closed her door hearing the click. Diana was never very observant when it came to people flirting with her, she never trusted herself to be able to tell the difference between someone being nice and a confession of love.

Which is why instead of going to hold Voller's hand or arm like he wanted, she in turn just smiled and began to walk down the hall towards the stairs. Jürgen frowned but reminded himself how fast he tends to go, he gets ahead of himself sometimes. So he just quietly walked behind his new friend.

"There is a little cafe across the road, I thought we could go there" he suggested while they headed outside, Diana heard him but she was too busy looking around for her sister to answer. As stated before Helena isn't the most fair person when it comes to deals, Diana wouldn't be surprised if her sister took the dial and ran off again to sell it for higher. Her worrying was put to rest once she spotted Teddy, if Helena were to have run off she wouldn't have left Teddy behind.

"Sure, sounds good" she mumbled, Jürgen leaned down and whispered a "Are you alright?" in her ear. "Yes, just tired" she smiled, "lead the way" she slipped her arm into his, causing him to smile. He glanced up and down the road before crossing, making sure he didn't lose Diana in the groups of people that would pass by.

There was a small table outside with two chairs facing each other, the two sat down and received menus. Diana ordered a hot tea, coffee never did anything for her so she preferred tea instead. She dropped two sugar cubes in before she felt ready to speak.

"So would I be your research assistant? Or more of a patron?", Voller's eyes flickered to hers.
"Assistant would be your title, but I hope you know I'd see you as an equal. Your opinion would mean the world to me."

Our kind doctor wasn't used to hearing such respectful words, especially from a man in this time period. She smiled brightly "Thank you Dr. Schmidt", Voller grinned "I told you before, Diana, call me Jürgen". There was a slight pause in Diana's reaction that didn't go unnoticed by Voller. She set down her tea cup gently, "That must be a popular name in Germany". Voller raised a curious brow, "Why do you say that?".

Diana hummed, "There was a man who was a doctor in physics who worked for Hitler, he had the same name"
     "And what happened to him?"
"Last anyone knows, he died on a train. The same train that carried the dial headed to Germany, it was stopped by an rather ambitious American archaeologist" she stated. Voller could feel his anxiety rise a bit, he still hasn't told her his goals relating to the dial. He swallowed and smiled "How interesting". Another moment of silence passed before Jürgen decided it was time to tell Diana the truth, that way he could at least explain why in a controlled setting.

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