Someone is gonna die

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The car ride was silent and a tad awkward, Voller sat in the back with Diana and her father. He was merciful enough to give Jone's a rag to keep his blood off the floor, though he kept Diana by his side after she was patching the wound up as best as she could. Indy glared at the older man as he placed a hand on Diana's knee. The road was bumpy for a while, causing the trio to rock back and forth. Voller secretly loved it, everytime Diana fell into him it gave him the excuse to touch her. She didn't even look at him, too busy trying to figure out how they're going to escape now or why she was still alive. Come to think of it, why was she still alive?. SHe already betrayed him a handful of times, she is literally the daughter of his enemy so why is her heart still beating.

Her eyes flicked from the floor to his side profile. Questioning his decisions while studying his features. She had always found him attractive, how can you not?. He was literally perfect, could have been carved from stone and worshiped as a god. VOller felt her eyes on him but stared forward allowing her to get a long look. After a while he finally turned his head and met her eyes. Offering a soft half-smile, not that that fixed or apologized for anything he had done. DIana sighed and turned her stare down to her tied hands, Voller's gaze followed. It pained him to do so but he had no choice. She kept trying to leave, but the more he thought about it he glanced at Indy, "She has a reason to stay" he said to himself.

Running his hands over hers he began to untie the knots while she sat quiet and confused. He threw the rope off to the side and gently grabbed her jaw causing her to glower at him. He pointed at her, made a running motion with his pointer and middle fingers. He then formed a gun with his hands, pointed it at Indy and jolted it up while muttering "pew". He smiled at Diana, asking if she understood within his expression

Even without words she heard the message clearly, "You run and I shoot your father". She narrowed her eyes but nodded. She folded her hands and held them in her lap. Indy leaned over, which caused Voller to place a hand on his gun, and grabbed Diana's left hand holding it dearly. Voller grimaced at the sight, from what he's seen Indiana hasn't been a part of Diana's life very much. And now here he is, ruining Voller's plans and creating a wall between him and Diana. With hesitation he slipped his hand into Diana's right hand and stared out the window as if looking for something.

"Everyone has lost their damn mind" Diana thought to herself as she held both men's hands, you could cut the testosterone induced tension with a knife.

The rain fell harshly on Diana's shoulders and head as she got out of the vehicle and tried to help her father to the plane. Once on she slumped him on the seats and began to unwrap his soaked bandages. She was given; water, a clean rage and new bandages from Klaber. He patted her shoulder while scooting by her to get to the cockpit, she offered him a small smile. Indy watched the oddly friendly exchange, curious as to what happened when his daughter was with these men, he assumed the worst as any dad would. That they'd torture her metally and physically but here she was. In his enemy's shirt, looking fresh as a daisy and being given smiles by the people who took her.

"Perdón por esto" Mauke whispered while passing by, "Es tu trabajo" Diana shrugged and sat opposite of her father. Now Indy really felt like he was gonna lose it, "what the hell is this?!" he kept thinking.

As soon as the plane took off Diana's heart started to race. She never had a fear towards planes, but this was different. SHe's flying through a storm into the unknown with a bunch of her father's enemies. It was quiet as the took off, only Voller and the pilot spoke but that was in german. Diana felt uneasy about this whole thing, and it didn't make it better when her Father mumbled something.

"What?" she whispered
He glanced at her with shaky eyes before yelling "Continental drift" towards the cockpit

Everyone turned and stared in confusion, "Archimedes didn't know about continental drift, he couldn't have, it hadn't been observed yet"
Diana's eyes widened at the realization of what her father's word meant, "You're off target" she gasped and whirled her head towards Voller. "Your coordinates are based on markers that have been moving for 2000 years, could be off by 10 degrees, but-" Indy didn't get to finish before Klabber punched him across the jaw with a crips whack!. Diana stood and pushed his shoulders harshly, sending him stumbling back.

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