Chapter Six

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**This has not been edited or proofread.**


The Garner plantation was quiet as I rode down the dirt lane to the massive house. The sun was high in the sky, making me sweat, but the trees offered cool shade. Wind lightly blew, rustling the leaves, and birds chirped overhead.

It gave me hope that Henry would give me the answer I desperately wanted—just about needed.

I slowly drew my horse to a stop in front of the house before dismounting, thanking the older gentleman who took the reins from me and led the stallion over to a small watering hole. I ascended the steps to the wide, wrap-around porch, and just as I reached the last step, the door opened, and Jack stepped outside.

"I saw you through the window," he explained at the surprised look on my face. "I told Pa you would be coming either today or tomorrow. He's waiting on you."

I blew out a soft breath. I didn't get nervous over much anymore, but I wasn't sure if I could accept no as an answer to Catherine becoming my wife. She deserved so much better than what he was giving her, and I was hoping I could help her chase her dreams. Make her the happiest wife on this side of the Mississippi.

"Is Catherine here?" I asked him.

"She is napping," Jack told me. "Probably best, honestly. She's been a nervous wreck, wondering when you might show up and if Pa will actually give his blessing to you."

I couldn't blame her. I was a wreck, too.

I slipped past Jack into the house, and he led me straight to Henry's study, where he was sipping at dark liquor and reading a book. He looked up at our entrance and cleared his throat, setting down his glass and shutting the book after marking his page. He stood to his feet and held his hand out to me.

"Good to see you, Easton. I'm very sorry to hear of your father's passing. He was a dear friend to me."

"He was a good man," I lied, wanting to do everything I could to stay on Henry's good side. "I was hoping to talk to you."

"So, I've heard," he commented, taking a seat and gesturing for me to do the same. Jack slipped out of the study, shutting the door behind him with a quiet click to give us some privacy. As soon as we were alone, Henry dove right in. "I hear you want to marry my daughter."

"I do," I said instantly.

He grunted. "You do realize she is...different, don't you?"

I bristled but managed to keep myself in check. Getting on Henry's bad side would do nothing to help my case. "I believe she's a spectacular woman with a good, bright head on her shoulders. My mother has not been well lately, and I need a woman like Catherine to help around the home, as well as to raise my little sisters."

"And you believe Catherine is a good fit," he stated.

I nodded once. Firmly. "Yes."

He sighed. "Well, then I give my blessing, Easton. You may marry my daughter." He leaned back in his seat and lit up an expensive cigar. God, I hated the smell of those things. "Do you have a date set in mind?"

"I'd like to be wed as soon as possible," I told him. "I understand how that may look to the rest of Atlanta, but to be frank, Mr. Garner, I do not have much time to waste."

He nodded. "I understand, son. Talk with my daughter, and have my son inform me of anything I need to know. I will foot the bill for the wedding."

I stood to my feet as he did and held my hand out for him to shake. He nodded once at me. "I wish you the best of luck with my daughter. She is very headstrong."

I smiled—thankful it was genuine. I loved how different Catherine was, and there was nothing anyone could tell me that would change my mind about her. "Thank you, sir."


Jack was waiting for me on the porch. He stood from the rocker as I shut the front door behind me. "Well?" he asked.

"He gave his blessing," I told him, unable to keep the smile off my face. "I assume my bride-to-be is still resting?"

He nodded. "If you'd like, I can give her the good news when she wakes."

"Please do," I told him. "I need to get home and take care of some things, but I will come by to see her as soon as I can so she and I can work out details. Your father has agreed to pay for the wedding."

Jack scoffed. "It's just about the only decent thing he's done for Catherine in years," he muttered. I clenched my jaw, vowing I would never suppress her in that way. "Just...take care of my little sister, will you?" he asked me. "She's not had it easy, and she deserves to be happy. She's the sweetest girl to ever grace this earth. Just no one will give her a chance."

"I plan to give her everything her heart desires, Jack," I said quietly so our voices wouldn't carry. "Whether that be college or children or even something as simple as a shopping spree. I will do everything I can to make every dream of hers come true."

He drew me into an unexpected hug. "Thank you," he rasped. "And welcome to the family, Easton."

I clapped my hands to his back. "Don't ever thank me for taking care of your sister," I told him. "She means a great deal to me."

We stepped back, and he tipped his hat at me. "Safe travels back home, Easton."

I inclined my head to him in thanks before making my way off the porch and to the worker holding my stallion's reins. "Thank you, sir," I told him, handing him a tip.

He smiled at me. "Have a good day, Mr. Abernathy."

Oh, I was going to have a fantastic day. I didn't think anything could ruin my good mood.

Catherine Garner was going to become my wife.

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