15 Good Girls Bad Guys

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Fucking around is not as fun as it used to be. If I was not trying to forget her, maybe I would enjoy it but I find myself drowning in my vices. The tools that used to offer escape now feel like cages.

My phone rings and the guy in my bed groans. I need to stop bringing random people to my house. Without looking at the screen because I am hungover, the light is killing me. I answer and place it on my ear, expecting to hear Eric's voice.

"Nkoe, I need your help." she sounds frantic and the thought of her being in danger, sharpens my senses, I sit up not worrying if I wake the man on her side of the bed.

"Where are you?" My voice is hoarse from the screaming I did last night and so my voice barely left my throat.

"At a friend's, I sent you the location pin..." I get out of bed and head into my closet to change into something appropriate.  "Her boyfriend came and started screaming at her and is now trying to break down the bathroom door."  She explains frantic and afraid.

"Nandi, where is your friend?"

"She is next to me."

"Hand her the phone for me."

"Hello?" A soft meek voice speaks.

"Hi, how do I get into your house?"

"Call her when you get to the gate and I will open for you, The door is unlocked."


"Please hurry." Nandi pleads. I get on my motorcycle with Maps in my ear, telling me where to go.

All that clouds my mind as a race towards her happens to be whether this means something. She called me, and she trusted me, does that mean that she is willing to overlook it?

I call Nandi as I get to the complex called Pearly Heights. The gate opens and I park at the first bay, I see. I make my way up three flights of stairs and open the white door with the number 14 on it.

"You can not leave me, Brandi, you can not leave me!" his words slurred and his fists pounding on a door. Gun on my waistband and a pair of handcuffs in my pocket, I sneak up on him as he is screaming for Brandi. "Who are you?" he asks as I cuff one of his hands.

"A friend of Brandi's." he tries to resist to no avail given his drunken state. I cuff his hands together and sit him down. A deep breath before going to the bathroom door that is battered. "You can come out now."

A click signals that the door is unlocked before the door handle shifts and Brandi walks out. Nandi is right behind her. Her friend is short and cute, why do men love terrifying such innocent beings?

"I am going to pack a few things." Nandi nods as Brandi makes her way into the bedroom. Her boyfriend is calling for her but is too drunk to do anything.

I place the key to the handcuffs on the kitchen table, when he sobers up, he can unlock it. Truly wish I could have him arrested but he can make this all look like nothing serious, it is what abusers do or instead, the NPA will not be able to indict him given how circumstantial the evidence can become.

A great friend once told me, that the people who win cases, are the people who can create the best story and unfortunately, the prosecution relies more on facts than storytelling.

"Thank you for coming." She pulls me out of my thoughts. She is wearing Jean shorts and an oversized tee, she looks beautiful as always.

"Of course. Are you okay?" My palms are sweaty and my heart jumpy.

"A little shaken but I am okay." I nod and I can not take my eyes off her face, she looks beautiful with gold eyeshadow and gloss on her lips. I wished I could kiss her or bring her to my house.

Hers in Distress [GXG] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now