10 Cranes In The Sky

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"Nkoe! You can't still be asleep." why does that sound like my sperm donor? Getting my arm without waking her is a task that took some work but I completed it.

"What the fuck do you want in my house at six am on a Sunday?"

"Your mother and nieces and nephews have to eat, they also deserve nice things."

"I gave you money, two weeks ago."

"Life is expensive, you know that."

"What the fuck? You have to be fucking joking?"

"I am not. Your family is going hungry." a chuckle comes from me.

"I will buy the groceries and deliver them."

"Wow, you don't trust me?"

"I never did, one day you were here, the next you were gone for twenty years and you come back out of the fucking blue, what trust? Leave my house and the key." he scoffs and throws my key onto the counter before he rushes out. Fucking ass.

A deep breath to calm down. I turn to go back to bed and she is standing at the threshold, looking beautiful as ever. "Good morning gorgeous."

"Morning, who was that?"

"Sperm donor. Come on, let's go back to bed."

"You never talk about your family."

"Neither do you, Angel."

"Touché." She immediately lays on my chest as we get into bed. "You don't ask so I assumed you did not want to know."

"I want to know everything about you." she buries her face in my neck and I can feel her breath, she always seemed so delicate in my hands. "I have to go drop off a few things for my family, why don't you tag along."

"I would love to."

"Just do not ask questions."



"Fine." planting a kiss on her forehead, I wished I never suggested that she come along. "I can't wait."

My ringtone disturbs our sleep, I reach out and answer it barely opening my eyes while she snuggles deeper into my chest.


"Nkoe, please come, he is going to kill me," terrified, Mari whispers into the phone, hearing her terror, I jolt out of bed and rush into my closet.

"I am coming, hide."

"Hurry," I told her to leave the jackass when I saw the bruises he caused but she kept going on and on about how he loved her.

"Where are you going?"

"I am coming." she follows me out of the bedroom

"But where are you going?" a deep breath, I walk to where she stands. Standing in front of her, my hands make their way to her waist

"I am going to help someone, we can talk about it when I come back."

"Okay." a kiss on her forehead before I head to my car.

The hard part of watching someone go through domestic violence is knowing that if you harm their abuser they become frustrated with you as if you did not save their life.

Parking in front of their house, I can hear him shouting, I wonder why the neighbours have not called the police, either of the millions of times he was screaming and assaulting her.

Gun in hand, I take the key from under the stone and open the door. Thank God, she told me where she keeps it.

"Kom hier, hoer!" Thank heavens, he is screaming because I can find him "Moffie teef!" He hurls slurs at her, I hope she realises that he will never change soon.
[Translation: Come here, whore!
Moffie hoer= Gay bitch!]

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