23 - part II

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I stay silent as I watch the passing trees

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I stay silent as I watch the passing trees. The low hum of Future passes through Jacob's truck's speakers.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are we going?" I ask him as I cross one leg over the other. I give Jacob my attention.

"We are going to a driving range," he says glancing at me. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I don't golf," I tell him. I think the only person who actually knows how to golf is Lacey and that's because she used to golf when she was younger. Other than that, I don't know anyone who golf's. Jacob laughs, making my chest warm.

"You don't have to know how to, it's a good stress reliever. I don't even like golf and I enjoy coming here," he says. I shrug my shoulders. I have always been open to trying new things and if I allow my friends to drag me to their random activities what could one more activity hurt. Plus, it's nice seeing and doing something that Jacob actually likes. Everytime I have seen or been with Jacob it's been in an environment I know he's not comfortable with.

"Are you excited for basketball season?" I ask him. I look at his side profile and he doesn't seem tense about it. Which says something considering we started the year with everyone hating him. October seems like it's dragging on forever and I can't wait for Thanksgiving break. I love college and everyone here but I can't wait to go home.

"Actually, I am. As a Captain now people always look up to me now and I've gained some respect. Not from Jeremy and Braden though, they still hate me," he says glancing at me. I can see by the relaxed look on his face that he doesn't care. I am glad he doesn't. I don't know how they can still dislike him after everything he did to help the whole Carter and Asher situation. We all told them that. Even Asher did but Braden still can't let it go. Jeremy is I guess more neutral than he was more.

"I was worried for a second there," I tell him.

"You and I both. I thought everyone on the team was plotting my downfall," he chuckles, shaking his head. "But they don't all hate me."

"Have they been better since you helped Carter?" I ask him. I am more referencing Jeremy and Braden. Since Braden still is holding a grudge against Jacob because of Jordan I figure that he still is being an asshole. As for Jeremy, I don't think he knows where he stands anymore. The other girls have talked to the two of them more than I have recently.

"I mean, they kind of have stopped bothering to speak to me. Which is better than Braden saying some dumb shit as he usually does," Jacob says rolling his eyes. He pulls into a gravel parking lot with a small house at the end of it. I see the driving on the other side. A big empty field with a few other people hitting balls but mostly empty. Jacob pulls into a parking spot and turns the car off. Jacob and I get out of the car and head to the small house. Jacob holds the door open for me as I step inside. There's a counter lined with golf clubs and golf balls sitting in pails on top of it.

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