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I should have left with Carter

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I should have left with Carter.

Braden is such a dick for doing that. We could easily be playing a game of simple, not friendship-ending, flip-cup. I mean yeah have things gotten heated with a game of flip cup, of course, we are a competitive friend group after all. But, truth or dare? This never ends well. Someone ends up fighting or hooking up with someone's boyfriend. Hell no. I never liked truth or dare, which is making my anxiety skyrocket.

I know I seem very calm cool and collected all the time but hell no.

It is so silent in here that I don't think anyone is breathing. I am definitely not breathing. Braden just had to stir the fucking pot.

"You know there is still time to play some casual flip-cup. Right everyone?" I blurt out looking at my friends for help. Julie and Lacey back me up by nodding their heads eagerly.

"Truth," Braden says completely disregarding me.

"Well fuck me I guess," I say bringing my cup to my lips. This is perfect. Jacob leans back against the couch crossing his arms over his chest. I don't know what type of question Jacob is going to pull out of his ass but a part of me doesn't want to know. I actually would like to get up and leave right now. I wonder if the girls would be down to just head to the bar. This is not what I want to be doing right now. No matter how cute and hot Jacob is. I really don't feel like listening to two guys bicker back and forth about this bullshit.

"Why are you such an asshole? " Jacob asks from beside Julie and I. Not as bad as I expected but not great. Braden barks out a laugh.

"I'm sorry but are we going to all just forget about what your brother and Michael Burke did last year?" Braden asks in a spiteful tone. I wince slightly and cast a glance over toward Jacob. He looks unbothered by the whole situation.

"Yes, my brother. But once again I had nothing to do with it. If you would stop acting like a child for five fucking seconds of your life maybe you would know that," Jacob says lifting his hands up in defense. "Just saying."

"He's still your brother, asshole. Do you know how shady it is that you came here?" Braden responds leaning further in his chair. If he leans any more he might actually tip right over. "Just saying though."

"Well as your co-captain, asshole, we can't exactly hate each other," Jacob fights back. Lacey spits out her drink so fast while Julie stares at me wide-eyed.

"Captain?" Julie mouths towards me. I nod my head at her to confirm that yes he is in fact a captain now much to Jeremy and Braden's dismay.

"I'm sorry but can you like go back a couple of steps, you're a fucking captain," Lacey stutters. She turns and looks at Braden with a glare, "Thanks for telling me that, Bray."

"God, if someone says the word captain one more time I am going to need a bottle of Everclear," Sanders moans. I shoot him a glare. Although I could use a nice drink right about now.

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