Pretty Please

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The woods by Inkopolis were as calm as ever, as they were on any given night. The wind was blowing, no one was around, most of the animals were asleep, and all was calm, shrouded in peace. At least, until a brief, bright light appeared, as G2PL19 appeared out of thin air, a couple feet above the ground. He promptly fell, screaming as he was sent careening down the hill. He was halted only as he struck a tree, groaning in pain as his mask cracked slightly.

It took him a few moments to come to terms with his new surroundings. He slowly looked around, unable to see much at this time of night, and he stretched his shoulder before he reached to pull off his mask, throwing it aside. He looked around, confused, having to slowly figure out where the teleporter device just sent him to. Reaching for his gun, he turned on his flashlight and looked around as he stood up, now able to see the many trees around him. He paused as he saw all of them, slowly reaching to rub his hand along one of them, feeling its bark. "...Huh..." He looked up as well, able to see the starry sky above him. He... had never seen anything quite so... real, like this. So natural.

"...Woah..." He spent a few minutes just admiring these visuals, feeling some more of the trees. He then even looked down at the ground, reaching to feel the many blades of grass and some fallen leaves on the ground. He picked one up, amazed at how soft it felt, even curling up his fist to crush it just to see how it felt. He couldn't help but chuckle as he let it fall from his hand again.

As he slowly made his way out of the woods, toward the closest exit he could find, his next beautiful visual to see was easily his favorite; the grand city of Inkopolis, just a mere distance away from him, with lots of visible, lit up buildings. He again stared for what felt like several minutes. "...Oh... my..." He smiled. At last, it seemed, he was free... He was actually free. Not to distract from the fact that he was on a mission- a pretty important one at that-, but for once he could do it in whatever way he wanted. In his own way. He could carve his own path. Finally, he had a true moment of adventure all to himself.

And an adventure was exactly what he was going to get. The peaceful moment didn't last long as he subtly heard an other-dimensional sound behind him, and he quickly turned to see the sudden light that only appeared briefly. It was quickly followed by the visual of flashlight beams, starting to cut through the woods as they searched for him, and the subtle noise of Octoling voices.

He stared for only a moment before he quickly moved away, rushing down the hill toward the many buildings of the city before him. It wouldn't be hard for Gideon's forces to deduce that he'd run to the city, but it didn't matter. He had his mission, and he had to complete it. He ran for the city as fast as he could, soon disappearing into it.


The Next Day

Jessica's Apartment

As morning rose over Inkopolis, beams of sunlight peeked in through the barely-opened curtains of Jessica and Bridgett's bedroom. An ambience of cars and construction noises could be heard from outside, but the girls were both too fast asleep to hear it, sprawled across their own separate twin beds. Bridgett had fallen asleep in the middle of writing her poetry, with her notebook open right next to her face and her pencil still in her hand. Jessica, meanwhile, slept on her abdomen, with one of her legs hanging off the bedside.

Unbeknownst to either of them, a low rumbling noise was slowly overtaking the city, and after a moment, the construction noises outside began to halt. The car noises persisted as always, but with the addition of a few activated car alarms. Following that, the girls' bedroom suddenly jolted hard, as the building swayed a bit from the impact, awakening both girls.

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