Chapter 38: The Big Party part 1

Start from the beginning

Both Custard cream and Tighnari watched in confusion and slight panic at the sight of the disheveled cookie.

In (Y/N)'s mind, this is the first time a spike has actually pierced through skin. Plus with everything going on a surprise like this was not something they necessarily wanted it needed.

Finally Custard gently grabbed (Y/N)'s arm, trying to stop the cookie from biting their hand off. 

"Woah... (Y/N)... are you okay?" The prince asked with concern.

"I mean... yeah but it's just this is the first time anything like this happened. So it's freaking me out a little bit." (Y/N) said, eyes not leaving from their now wet hand from the... Saliva. (I still don't know if what these cookies have is saliva.)

Maybe I should try to get this removed by Strawberry Crepe cookie, then they could analyze it and see what the heck is going on with this.

Custard Cream followed (Y/N)'s eyes until finally they landed on the tiny spike. He then smiled, "Oh I see. Well don't worry I can fix that."

But before they could stop him. Custard Cream lll, in all his glory shouted out, his famous catch phrase that activated his healing powers. (Y/N) watched in disappointment as not only the puncture wound was fixed but also the tiny spike was gone.

Finally finished Custard Cream lll smiled, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand once more. Once the prince didn't since away his smile grew wider.

"They're now. Let's go party!" The excited prince then once again grabbed (Y/N)'s hand before dragging them away.

Tighnari scurried off after his human. He was happy that the spike that he had known was on his humans hand was gone. But his nose couldn't lie. The smell was still on his owner and grew stronger.

The prince lead or... dragged (Y/N) until finally they came across a new part of the castle. A pair of giant golden doors faced the other side.

"Dang that's fancy." (Y/N) said nonchalantly.

"Just wait till you see the inside!" Custard cream grinned before knocking on the doors. Soon they opened and a bright light shined through. It was like the gates of Heaven but instead on the inside was a bunch of fictional cookies from a video game. Grand music soared through the ballroom as all the cookies from every kingdom was dressed up for this party. Well every kingdom except for one.

He would be dressed as maybe in a cute little tuxedo. (Y/N) thought back to the child back in the dark kingdom. I would probably have to stop him from adding mushroom to all the food.

They were so deep in thought they didn't notice as all the cookies in the party faced their direction. It wasn't until Custard Cream nudged them that they looked up and saw all the eyes facing them.

(Y/N) got hit with a sense of dejavu after the first time they met all the cookies in the kingdom. They were glad it was on much better terms than before.

A moment of silence passed before (Y/N) brought up a shaky hand, "Um... hi."

Just like before all the cookies exploded with cheer and joy at the sight of the cactus cookie. It would have gone on much longer if not for the three hero's making their way towards the other three.

(Y/N)'s smile grew at the sight of the healer. Already thinking about what they would discuss later on in the night. But now wasn't the time.

"My friends!" Pure Vanilla cookie shouted, making everyone quiet down.

"I thank you all for coming to this joyous event. As you all know, it seemed like all hope was lost when the two witches attacked the kingdom but thanks to the bravery of one special cookie we all made it out unharmed. But due to recent events, it had come to our attention that we did not properly thank (Y/N) for everything they did. So let this be a celebration of thanks." The crowd applauded at the wise rulers words.

Then Hollyberry cookie joined in a devious smirk on her face. One that both Dark Cacao and Wildberry cookie knew all too well, "Now let's break out the juice and celebrate."

Both boys slapped their faces as barrels and barrels of juice were brought into the ballroom.

This immediately changed the atmosphere to one of sophistication and fancy music, to one of laughter and true partying.

(Y/N) couldn't help but grin as Hollyberry winked at them. "I also have some special guests here to liven up this stale party. Right boys!"

Hollyberry then gestures towards the stage where a spotlight came on and the silouhettes of seven different cookies came on stage. Now cookie run kingdom has done many collaborations. But no one could prepare anyone for this one.

On stage stood all seven members of the Kpop group bts in cookie form. Now while on one side, knowing that they were here would have given (Y/N) the perfect opportunity to learn how 7 humans were able to turn into cookies and go back since they have yet to talk to Dark Choco cookie. But... they just were too excited.

(Y/N) screamed as they raced to the front of the stage. Then the music started.


Maybe this party wouldn't be so bad... for now.

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