She hadn't seen her or the house in three months. Three months since she and the others had left on their mission, and she missed Bridgett a lot. Thus, she looked at the picture often, just to think back, and give time to herself to wonder when and if she would see her again...

But at least she wasn't alone. She looked over at the other side of her bed, where Pearl was fast asleep. She snored lightly with her mouth wide open, and a line of drool had steadily streamed from her lips onto the bed. She smiled slightly and reached over, petting her hair briefly before turning back to her own business. She was intent on relaxing, but unfortunately, the day had other plans. A blaring alarm suddenly erupted from outside the room, just loud enough to be heard over her music and catch everyone's attention. She took off her headphones and looked around.

"...Hm...?" Pearl said as she awoke, too disoriented to tell what was happening.

"Crap!" She threw her headphones aside and ran to the door, where she pressed a button in the wall. The door slid open, disappearing into its slot, as she ran into the Ray's hallway outside.

Across the hall from her room was a second bedroom, which also opened up. Marie ran out as well, her hair messy and untied as she conjoined with her. "What's going on!?"

"Don't know!" She ran with her down the hall.

They both ran to the end of the hall, where a ladder that led up the next floor rested. Marina quickly climbed up, crawling into the control center in the cockpit. The large front window revealed a beautiful but terrifying sight: In front of the pure void of deep space, and all the different stars and other lights that lined it, was an army of asteroids, of all sorts of shapes of sizes, that blotted out some starlight as they headed directly for their ship. Marina's eyes widened as she looked out the window.

Marie climbed into the cockpit after her. "...Asteroids? We checked for asteroid fields!"

"Just activate emergency flight!" She ran up to her pilot seat and got situated at the large control panel. Marie ran to the side monitors that had their own unique control panels, where she deactivated the alarm and pressed the emergency flight button.

The next person to crawl in was Callie, who took one look outside before her eyes also widened. "Holy mother-"

"Sit down and buckle up!" Marie hissed at her before she sat next to Marina, buckling herself in. Callie desperately ran to one of the back chairs to do so, while Marie quickly got her controls set up. "Can we fly around it?" She asked Marina.

"We're already in it!" Marina hissed back, pressing a whole flurry of different buttons.

She sighed, doing the same. "I'll guide us through, just stay calm. How many hits can we take?"

They were interrupted as an asteroid that was on the smaller side crashed into their window, breaking up into smaller rocks before floating away.

"...Nothing much larger than that." Marina replied.

"Great..." She muttered, seeing that there were much larger rocks coming up, straight ahead. "Callie, activate the laser system! Break up as many rocks as you can!"

"Awesome!" Callie replied before getting to work on her own control panel.

She took a breath. It was time to put her own piloting skills to the test. "Ok, hold on tight." She took the ship on a nose-dive downward to dodge the larger rocks, flying under them. As Marie began piloting through, swerving through the assortment of larger rocks while allowing themselves to take hits from the smaller ones, Callie activated the laser system and pulled her control panel close. Using a small screen next to her to aim, she began firing at the larger rocks like she was playing a video game. The ship began hurling yellow plasma lasers at her targets as she fired at them, chipping away at the larger ones while straight up destroying the small ones, blowing them up and sending their pieces flying elsewhere.

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