10. i've got you, always

Start from the beginning

"You will be good, there's no doubt about that one and yes, well, you've only got yourself to blame for that one," Jordan chuckled, shaking her head. "Two detentions in two days, what were you playing at, eh?" she asked.

"It weren't my fault, I swear my teacher hates me," Olivia mumbled, buckling her seatbelt in. "School is, well it's tough and that sometimes." she admitted quietly.

Jordan shook her head and exhaled a sigh, "Liv, you know... If you're struggling in school then you can tell us," she began to speak, knowing that approaching the conversation would be difficult.

"I'm not, I'm fine," Olivia was quick to cut the women off, not wanting to talk about this. "Schools' fine, it's just the usual, you know?" she muttered to herself.

"How do you mean?" Jordan asked confused. "Liv, if you need help then we're for you, always. You just have to take to us." she reminded the girl.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders carelessly, refusing to look in the direction of the older women, "Uh, you know, boring and all... Lessons' are shit, ain't they?" she asked rheotorically.

"Aye, watch the language, you," Jordan lightly scolded the blonde girl. "Just because it's only me, doesn't mean you can swear and all." she stated.

"Sorry," Olivia said apologetically, biting her bottom lip slightly.

"It's fine, kid," Jordan replied, shaking her head. "Look, I know you might not want to talk about things--" she began to speak.

"I don't want to talk about school, it's just dull and that," Olivia butted in, wanting to do nothing more than shut the conversation down.

Jordan exhaled a sigh and shook her head, contining to drive towards the teenagers school, knowing it wouldn't be much use to try and have any further conversation about this.

"I'll see you later," Olivia spoke, quick to exit the car once they had pulled up outside and she spotted her friends hanging around near to the school gates as they kicked the football around.

"Wait, Liv, hold up," Jordan said, trying to stop the girl going just yet. "Remember to not get into any trouble today, eh?" she asked.

"No promises," Olivia muttered, sulking out of the car and shutting the door behind her as she could go and find her friends.


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"We'll be ready for you soon, Leah," One of the team told Leah, grabbing her attention away from where she was currently sat on a chair, staring down at her phone.

Leah looked up as she spotted the man and nodded, "Alright, cool, thanks. I'll be ready." she said.

The man walked away, leaving Leah to get lost in her own thoughts as the conversation with Alex replayed in her head, over and over on a loop, how could it be that she never picked up on the things that would make her realise that her sister could potentially have this diagnosis, and she didn't even know.

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