Chapter 5 ~ Tris

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I walk over by a window and slump against it, images of my dead mom, dead dad, and dead Will coming to my head. I killed three people today.

Marcus sits down right where he is, Peter stays standing, Caleb sits down across from me, and Tobias stands by me. I can feel his eyes on me but I don't look at him. I don't want to talk to anyone right now, not even him.

I suddenly hear a loud sound, kind of like an airplane but louder. A jet? It sounds huge. It gets louder by the seconds, as if it's flying over us.

I look at Tobias, and he's looking out the window, confused and curious. He hears it too, to my relief. I thought I was hallucinating.

"What's that sound?" Caleb speaks up.

Tobias doesn't answer, because he's staring out the window. I look out there and see it.

A huge aircraft, kind of like a ship in the sky. It's silver and shiny, and moving slowly across the cloudy sky. I've never seen anything like it in my life.

"Aliens?" Peter asks, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I wonder why he's making jokes now. I don't reply, because if I did I would just blow up on him.

There's suddenly a jolt in the train, sending me off balance for a second. I grab onto the nearest thing, which is Tobias's arm. I hold onto him as the train slows and comes to an uneasy stop.

"Why'd we stop," I breathe, looking at Tobias, but his eyes are still glued to the window. I look out it, and see that the aircraft, or airship, or alien-ship, has landed.

Right next to the stopped train.

It's huge, and looks twice as big on land as it did in the sky. It's an abnormal shape, from what I can see from it here.

I gasp and back away from the window, which makes me sick. Why would I do that? I'm Dauntless.

"Everyone get away from the door," Tobias hisses. Everyone goes over by me, in the corner and completely away from the door. I step out of the crowd and in front, figuring I probably should.

"They're coming out," Tobias slowly says, his eyes still outside. He finally looks at us. "Get ready to fight."

I grab the gun I was holding off the ground and point it to the door, Tobias and Peter doing the same thing with their's.

The door suddenly bursts opens, and all these people dressed in white come in, each holding a rifle.

"DROP YOUR WEAPONS!" one of them screams very loudly, and all the people point their rifles at us. I don't drop my weapon, and nor does Tobias. I'm a statue, not breathing nor moving.

"Are these the ones?" one of them loudly asks another.

"Yes," the other replies.

"I SAID, DROP THEM!" the screaming man shouts to us. I still don't, although I'm shaking with fear.

"Told you they were aliens," Peter says in my ear from behind me. At first I'm still pissed that he thinks this is all a joke, but maybe they really are aliens.

"Not until you tell us who you are, and how you stopped this train," Tobias says calmly, but I can tell he's a bit scared.

"Get 'em," the guy says.

Suddenly all the men in the train, plus a whole dozen or so more from outside, rush towards us. Five of them grab my gun and start tugging. I let go of it and decide to use the very skills I have learned.

I punch one of them and kick another in the groin. I attack another while catching a glimpse of Tobias, taking four at a time. I also see Peter in the corner of my eye, taking a few as well. I wonder how and what Caleb and Marcus are doing.

One Lucky WinnerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon