Chapter 29

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Nyah heard the distant rumble of engine as soon as the car crossed the Carter Plains boundary line. Abandoning her station—and pretence of calm—on the porch step, she ran across the lawn. When the familiar silver car finally appeared around the bend of the street, she bounced on the balls of her feet, hugging herself in excitement.

Two weeks had passed since Dean had brought her back to Carter Plains. In that time, she had held only one short phone conversation with Karen after arguing with Dean that she couldn't believe her friend had emerged from Yannek's possession with nothing worse than a cut palm and a nasty taste in her mouth.

'Honestly, I don't remember a thing,' Karen had reassured during the brief call. 'My only concern was you once I came round fully, but by then you were already gone.'

Dean hadn't delayed in whisking Nyah away from Blackwater Ridge and its devastation. Only minutes after they'd stumbled out of the house, he'd bundled her into his car and brought her home—her new home. She couldn't recall much of the journey, except for how she'd sobbed most of the way through it, and once here, had needed days to come down off the fear-induced trauma.

Even today, despite her excitement over being reunited with her pack, she continued to feel fragile and emotional.

Before Karen had fully climbed out of the passenger seat of Blake's car, Nyah had her in a tight embrace. "I thought you'd never get here!" she cried, hugging Karen so hard she coughed against the breath being crushed from her body.

"But we're early," Karen pointed out. "I had Blake hammering on my hotel door at four o'clock this morning."

"Still took you two hours to get ready, though." Blake had climbed out of the car, too. He stretched out his back as he stood by the open driver's door, a loud yawn gusting free.

Nyah released Karen to run around the bonnet to meet him. He pulled her up into his arms and swung her around. "It's good to see you smiling," he whispered as he set her down.

"You too," she told him, noting how he'd lost a little weight. His usual merriment had thinned, too, but Nyah knew an examination of every pack member would reveal the legacy of their experiences in some shape or form.

"Nyah, meet Tom." Karen nudged the next person to climb out of the car forwards. "I know you've already kind of met, but, you know, here he is, officially."

"Hi, Tom. It's nice to meet you, officially." Nyah shook his hand, matching his warm grip.

Dean called out greetings as he strode across the grass, already reaching for Blake. "Great to see you again," he clapped him hard on the back. "Welcome to Carter Plains."

"Thanks for having us, Alpha Carson. This is some place you have here."

"Spacious," Tom agreed, gesturing towards the mountain range jutting into sky. "Is all of that part of this territory?"

"It is." Dean drew Nyah to his side. Trauma had burned him, too, and he only found soothing in keeping Nyah as close as possible. "I'll show you later."

"Blake?" Nyah had been watching the car, but no other doors had opened for remaining passengers to climb out. "You couldn't contact Michael?"

Blake's smile faded. "I haven't heard from him since he left. He . . .well, I guess he needs time alone."

"Do you think he's going to be okay?"

"He's taken it bad," Blake admitted. "What Northfell made him do—what he made us all do—Michael feels responsible."

"But none of you were in control," she argued. "He has to know that."

"Michael doesn't see it that way."

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