Chapter 24

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Two days after Nyah fled Carter Plains, Dean called a halt to the patrols scouring the winding riverbanks. He knew it was pointless searching for her so close to their territory, but desperation had him clutching at every feeble chance. He'd scoured the train tracks himself; more than one hundred and fifty miles in each direction, hoping with every mile, he'd find something, anything, just the tiniest clue which might point him in whatever direction she'd gone. Not one mile yielded a single hint.

The same results followed extensive searches of the neighbouring towns. If he'd thought catching her weak scent in the vast expanses of rolling fields difficult, a three-day hunt amongst thousands of equally feeble-scented humans proved impossible.

Dean swung his jeep onto the dusty road leading to Carter Plains. A map lay on the passenger seat, another five towns freshly circled in red pen. First thing tomorrow morning, he'd set out again for the nearest. Nick and Kyle were capable of managing the pack in his absence, so a quick overnight stop to check in, swap clothes and eat was all he needed.

As he reached the outskirts, Dean mind-linked with Nick, telling him to meet him at the pack house. Nick could catch him up on events while he ate. After, he wanted a long, hot shower and a few hours' sleep. He hadn't had a decent night since Nyah had gone. The terror of Northfell finding her first plagued his dreams with violence and anxiety.

Nick appeared as he pulled up at the house.

"Alpha Nickleson reported two rogues skirting the edges of his territory this morning," he announced the second Dean cut the engine and pushed open the driver's door. "One was a female."

Dean rounded the truck to pull his bag out of the boot. "Whatever mistakes Nyah made first time, she won't allow happen again. She'll stay smack bang in the heart of human territory, where she knows Northfell and I won't be able to trace her."

"Did you try phasing? Your wolf might pick it up."

"He couldn't. It's too weak." Dean unlocked the front door. "He could pick her out in a small crowd at a push, but in a city already thick with stench, it's impossible."

Dean didn't want to be home. Too many memories of Nyah lingered, despite how she'd only been in his house for ten days.

"How's about some coffee?" Nick suggested. "Or something stronger?"

"Coffee for now."

"Coming right up."

Nick ducked into the kitchen as Dean shrugged off his jacket. The house had an odd odour, as if he'd been away for weeks and no air had circulated. Nick muttered about the scent too as he disappeared into the kitchen.

"Hey, how's Aaron doing?" Dean wondered, throwing his duffle bag to one side. "Any sign of his first phase yet? I'll be pissed if I miss it."

Nick didn't reply.

"Hey, Nick, did you hear me?"

"Dean, you'd better come in here."

Dean rounded the kitchen door. Nick stood with his back to the sink, the kettle hanging in his grasp as he stared across the room.

When Dean followed his intent scowl, he realised they weren't alone.

A stranger hovered by the window. The man, whose odd scent filled the kitchen, glanced between them, slowly withdrawing his hands from the pockets of an aged tan suede jacket. He displayed empty palms as a promise of peace. "Are you Dean Carson?"

"Who are you? And how the hell did you get into my home?"

"My name is Cassius Ochre."

"What do you want?"

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