Chapter 26

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Countless hours of torture passed before Nyah's torment began to wane, only to be replaced by a sense of base savagery. Rage possessed her wolf and the violence of it shuddered through her as it struggled to phase. Whatever pain she thought she'd experienced before then was eclipsed by the torture of her body mutating at bone snapping speed one moment and unbearable slowness the next, her wolf's want for carnage so completely overwhelming, she slashed and ripped at the tiled walls, claws gouging chunks loose as she fought to break free of the small room.

During the moments when her strength had waned enough to phase her back to human form, Nyah lay panting and weak on the floor, her fingernails torn and bloody, every muscle and bone in her body screaming with pain. She knew only by the changing light inside her small cage that deep night had faded into early morning. The greying light of dawn dulled the bathroom ceiling as she curled in human form, but by the time her wolf had phased over and over, smashing itself continually against the confining walls before collapsing and transforming again, a softer, declining light heralded evening.


Forty-six miles outside of Mosse, Dean sensed the first faint awareness of Nyah's wolf. It tipped the bare edges of his consciousness, its signal weak and distorted, instantly increasing his worry. At the thirty mile mark it broadcast clearly enough for him to taste Nyah's distress.

"Intense," he struggled to explain to Nick. "It's coming in waves. Right now I can sense violence, fury . . . but a few minutes ago it was a sort of confused exhaustion."

"Cassius said it would be hard for her," Nick reminded him. "But she's strong; she'll get through it."

"I hope so."

"Do you think he's been able to hold Northfell off? There's still a couple of hours before the deadline."

"Blackwater Ridge isn't too far from here. If he wasn't able to stall him, Northfell could already be ahead of us." Dean slammed the steering wheel. "What in the hell was Nyah thinking coming so close to Blackwater Ridge? I thought she was smarter than this!" Another wave of her distress rolled over him. "It's getting worse," he muttered, flooring the accelerator.

"Take it easy, or we'll get pulled over for speeding."

Dean darted out of the lane to overtake a string of cars. He sped along the wide, flat road leading to Mosse. "Let them try."


As Nyah lay twisted amongst the shreds of a shower curtain, and what had once been her clothes, Dean's presence swelled through her consciousness. Immediately her wolf's aggression calmed. She rolled onto her side, dragging herself into a sitting position. "No—Dean! How?"

Cassius Ochre, she realised, vision spinning as she eased herself upright. With her wolf restored, Dean had been able to track her. He was close, too. As his advance nudged closer, dread and delight caught her breath. "What have you done?"

If Dean had found her so quickly, Northfell wouldn't be far behind. This was exactly what she'd wanted to avoid. She might have stood a chance if she'd returned to Northfell voluntarily, but if he found her first, who knew what he'd do to her as punishment?

Terror sent Nyah's bloodied hands straight to the pole blocking the door. She'd jammed it in good and hard, and with her palms slick with blood, she couldn't get a proper grip. "If Northfell finds Dean here," she panted, tugging the pole, "he'll . . . we'll—Dean, why, why?" Nyah scooted back to slam her two bare feet against the length of steel instead. "Come on!" she pounded, "move, move!" With one final desperate shove, the pole popped away.

She scrambled to her feet, colliding with the door frame as she dashed into the bedroom. Disorientation spun the walls, but she ignored the swooping sensation, grabbing for clothes instead. "Hurry, hurry," she jammed her feet into boots as she yanked up her jeans. Dean grew closer. His energy curled itself around her like a soft, warm blanket, and if ever she wanted to allow herself to be wrapped in something, it was him.

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