Chapter 6

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Nyah first thought the appalling scream had echoed in her dream. But when it shrilled out again, louder, she jerked upright, clutching the sheets to her chest. "Karen, is that you?"

A thud from the room next door sounded before Karen burst through the door, fright widening her eyes, too. "Did you hear that?" she whispered, "did you hear a—?"

The scream rose again, a wail this time, the sense of loss and pain in its timbre clear to comprehend. Nyah threw the bedclothes aside, grabbed a sweater and followed Karen downstairs. When they flung open the front door, Billy and Leo were pounding down the street, running for Alpha Stenson's house.

"What's wrong? What's happening?" Nyah yelled.

Before either of the men could answer, another wail pierced the night. Karen grabbed Nyah's arm. "That's Tanya!"

They found Tanya on her knees on the kitchen floor of her new home, tears streaming, desperation terrible as she rocked back and forth in wild agitation. Leanne hunched beside her, trying to soothe Tanya, but nothing she said or did lessened the sobbing.

Nyah reached for Tanya's shuddering form. "What is it? What's happened?"

"He's dead!" Tanya screamed, clutching at her midriff. "He's dead!"

"The—the baby?"

"No!" she wailed. "Alan! Alan's dead!"

Nyah tried to say 'what?', but could only choke out a weak gasp.

"Alan?" Karen whispered. "Alpha Stenson is dead?"

Tanya cried out again before collapsing onto Nyah's lap.

"No," Nyah shook her head. "That's—it can't be true."

"He's gone," Tanya's sob muffled. "I can feel it, he's gone. I've lost him."

"No," Nyah repeated, staring up at an equally shocked Leanne before turning to the others gathered in a dumb knot in the kitchen. "Tell me she's wrong. Where's Alan? Where are Michael and Blake?"

"We don't know. Eddie's looking for them," Leanne replied.

"Michael and Blake left with Alpha Stenson about ten minutes ago," Billy announced. "I was coming back from a run and saw them heading towards the forest."

"Who else was with them?"

"They were alone."

"Has someone gone after them?"

"I don't know."

"What about Rob? Where's he?" Karen asked.

Rob was the pack's delta and if not already somewhere in the forest, the only one who would have an answer. But as each head shook in ignorance of his location, Nyah's panic clutched tighter. "Has someone contacted the patrol?"

Again, the strained faces shared a despairing look.

"Someone do something!" she shouted, nausea, fear and anger balling in her stomach.

Billy glanced at Leo, who nodded in agreement, but before they could hurry away, a holler from Eddie yanked their attention to the hallway.

"I found Rob! He's coming!"

Nyah ordered Leanne and Karen to take Tanya upstairs as Eddie ushered Rob into the kitchen. "And somebody get the doctor for her, now," she added, her own legs rubbery and in need of support as she carefully eased herself upright. "Rob?"

"I can't link with Alpha Stenson," he panted, "the connection is gone. All I know is they were close to the north border. He said rogues were circling our boundary line."

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