The Morning After

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Lucy groaned as she began to wake up. To her left was a sleeping Tim.

Trying her best not to wake him, she climbed out of bed carefully and made her way to her bathroom. As quietly as possible, she turned on the faucet to splash her face with water.

Hearing the bed shift, she noticed that Tim was up too. "Morning sunshine," Lucy teased.

"What time is it?" Tim groaned as he stretched.

"No idea," said Lucy, making her way back to bed. Tim's oversized shirt hung at her mid-thighs.

"I really don't want to go to the station today," Tim complained, turning onto his side to face Lucy.

"You know that if we both don't show up on the same day people will get suspicious," said Lucy.

Tim clicked his tongue, "Guess we're both going in,"

Lucy threw her head back onto her pillow, "Do you have to go home to check on Kojo?"

Tim shook his head, "Fed him last night,"

"Run a brush through your hair," Lucy giggled, "You look like a shaggy rat otherwise,"

"A rat?"

"No, not a rat. Just shaggy,"

Tim smiled at her, "I'm gonna shower,"

"Yeah," Lucy says softly as Tim got off of the bed.

He turned around as he was headed for the bathroom, "However," he says. "I wouldn't be opposed if you joined me,"

Giddily, Lucy sprang off of the bed, clapping her hands as she followed Tim into the bathroom.


"Okay," Lucy said, slapping her hands down on her thighs. "We have to go in at different times,"

Tim raised an eyebrow at her, "Who cares if we walk in together? We've done that hundreds of times,"

"No no no, it'll be too suspicious!"

Tim rolled his eyes, "What, are you in high school? No one cares!"

"I care," Lucy groaned, "I can't believe I let you talk me into carpooling,"

"We'll be fine," Tim promised.

Reluctantly, Lucy got out of the car and walked into the station side-by-side with Tim.

"Morning," Angela says, coming up behind them.

"Holy crap," Lucy says, turning around. "Have you been behind us this whole time?"

"Yes," Angela says point blank. "I also saw you two get out of Tim's truck,"

"Uhh," Lucy muttered.

"I picked her up today, her car wouldn't start," Tim interjected.

"Yeah, totally. I've been having issues with my car lately," Lucy agreed

"It's an old piece of junk, like scrap metal basically,"

Lucy swatted Tim on the arm, "Hopefully it'll be fixed by tomorrow," Lucy giggled nervously.

"Mhm," Angela nodded before walking ahead of them.

"That was close," Tim muttered.

"I don't think she bought it," said Lucy.

"She didn't keep asking questions, did she?"

"I guess. My car is not scrap metal, by the way,"

"Yes, it is, when you had to buy a new car you could've gotten one that wasn't made in 2010,"

"It was cheaper," Lucy argued.

Tim rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Next time we just need to be more careful,"

"There's a next time?" Lucy questioned, pursing her lips.


A/N: i truly believe that we were scammed from a morning after scene. lmk what you think and leave suggestions!!

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