The Second Labour of The White Dragon

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(N/n) = nickname
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
Underline = talking telepathically
* = the star mark means action
——————————————————Narrator's p.o.v

After a few hours we can see our protagonist standing in the centre of a small arena covered in blood and guts but enough of that lets get on with the meat and potatoes

Still Narrator's p.o.v

(Y/n): *shakes the blood off her hands* this is getting far too messy

(Y/n) thoughts are cut short as 10 Ghouls spring out of the shadows and go and slash at (Y/n) only for the psychic to ram her hand through one Ghoul's chest, then a blue sphere forms in front of the psychic's hand as she blasts a head off another Ghoul. (Y/n) then rips out her hand from the Undead's chest only to penetrate another Ghoul's midsection with both her hands then grabs ahold of its spine and lifts it over her head then rips it in half

(Y/n) toss the two halves at four more Ghouls and uses her psychokinesis to pierce them with the Ghoul that she ripped in half and pin them up against the wall then tear off their heads then crushes them with a single hand movement

(Y/n): *faces the remaining Ghouls* now to end the rest of you freaks

(Y/n)'s body crackles with electricity then fires multiple bolts of lightning at the Ghouls disintegrating them into ash, but the psychic could not rest as a Ice Troll emerges and goes to slashes at (Y/n), as the psychic moves out of the way barely avoids the attack she then shows her palm at the troll as several rings of fire wrap around her arm as a ring appears in front of her hand and unleashes a wave of fire at the Troll

The Troll roars out in anger as the flames torch it's skin until (Y/n) collapses to her knees completely out of breath which the Troll uses this as an advantage and strikes the psychic with enough force to launch her into the arena wall leaving spiderweb impact on the wall, (Y/n) coughs up some blood as she falls out of the wall and starts to heal herself

(Y/n): ok, getting tired. Haven't been this tired since Mama Mori's training sessions

(Y/n) slowly stands back on her feet and stares down the advancing Ice Troll, she then creates a white orb from in front of her mouth. She then fires a glowing pink beam of energy from the orb towards the Troll which hits it hard and punctures a hole through it's chest. As the now dead Troll hits the ground (Y/n) follows suit as she collapses to her side her body barley able to function properly as her stomach growls in hunger and thrust

(Y/n): how long have I been battling for? It's feels like days since I've eaten... so tired, I should rest... ... ...and never wake up...

(Y/n)'s eyes flutter shut as her breathing begins slow down as the sound of feet moving towards the psychic echo throughout the arena as a hooded cloaked figure approaches her with twin sai in hand

???: my sweet girl... you've grown so much since I last saw you... *crouches down next (Y/n)* I do wish I got to see you grow into the young woman you are now... but because of that bastard I thought was my husband that has killed me, I now walk among the undead under Mori's command... please my child, continue our bloodline's work and defeat the Demon Lord so I may finally rest peacefully...

After speak the cloaked figure sheathes their weapons then places a canteen full of fresh water and a container of food next to the sleeping psychic, once that was done the figure stands up starts to walk away from (Y/n) and towards the exit passing Niyuki as the Yuki-Onna glances at the figure and gives them a small nod then glides over to where (Y/n) is and sits next to her

<time skip 50 mins>

With 50 minutes come and pass we see Niyuki gently shaking (Y/n) trying to wake the psychic up from their slumber only to be met with groans of pain and hunger

Niyuki: it's time to get up, Daughter of Aryra

But the only response that (Y/n) gives was groans of hunger which Niyuki gently moves the psychic into a sitting position and places her ice cold fingers trace along (Y/n)'s neck jolting the psychic awake

(Y/n): C-COLD!!

Niyuki: finally you're awake, I thought that you'd never wake up

(Y/n): kinda wished I didn't wake up

Niyuki: well that's too bad, you've got people that need you at home *grabs the container of food* here you need to eat

(Y/n): *takes the food and starts eating* so this going to sound dumb, but did I pass this labour or is there more to this?

Niyuki: you've passed, you actually did more then what ether I nor the White Beast anticipated

(Y/n): in what way?

Niyuki: after killing the Yeti I was meant to appear but those Ghouls suddenly attacked you as well as the Ice Troll

(Y/n): so they weren't meant to be apart of the Labour?

Niyuki: not originally, but after witnessing what you done despite running on fumes. The White Beast wishes that you move onto the next Labour once you've rested

(Y/n): I can't stop now, I have to keep moving forward. You said I've passed this Labour, I have a prophecy to fulfil! *drinks some of the water*

Niyuki: I understand that, but if continue now your body will slowly fail you as your brain force you to sleep for eternity

(Y/n): then so be it!

(Y/n) puts the food onto the ground next to the canteen and stands up only to suddenly lose consciousness again as she falls forwards allowing Niyuki to catch the psychic and lay (Y/n)'s head on her lap

Niyuki: *sighs* Aryra your daughter is so much like you, she's untouchable when she wants to be but fails in noticing her body can't keep up *strokes (Y/n)'s hair* she's so close to breaking her limits, I believe this final Labour will finally allow her to break her limits

Niyuki continues to strokes the psychic's hair as she keeps her wits about her surroundings and that ends today's chapter I hoped that you enjoyed it and I hope to see you soon bye bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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