A Life Changing Day

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(N/n) = nickname
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
Underline = talking telepathically
* = the star mark means action
——————————————————Narrator's p.o.v

Three days have passed when (Y/n) struck the deal with Sheik's party and now (Y/n) and her party are heading to The Area by Elton but enough of that lets get on with the meat and potatoes

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Today's the day and I don't think my team is happy with me

Mia: I can't believe you agreed to a possible battle to the death!!!

Astrid: and on top of that it's against Gold License Adventures!!!

Eilna: by the Goddess, you're an idiot

(Y/n): Elise will be watching, so there's probably put a royal decree saying that no deaths will occur for this fight

Eilna: the dishonour you just spat out is disgusting

(Y/n): explain why then

Astrid: The Area is a Colosseum that holds battles for only the best of the best that's overseen by the Queen and her hand selected bodyguards, meaning most battles usually involve someone dying since the audience wants bloodshed

Mia: oh fuck...

(Y/n): what's wrong Mia?

Mia: I don't know... maybe the fact that Mom and the rest of the Heroes of Myth may show up!

Elton: we have arrived daughters of Shi

Mia: if Mom is here, you're explaining why we might die today

(Y/n): that's if she's here

Once Elton stops the carriage we exit the transportation as my neck is met with the cold blade which my eyes traces the blade to see it's Mama Mori looking extremely pissed at me as her scythe rests upon my neck

(Y/n): hello Mother

Mori: do you realise how much shit you're in missy?!

???: calm down Mori

Mori: *faces towards a Phoenix woman* how can I stay calm Kiara?! My daughter agreed to a death match!!

The Phoenix woman now known as Kiara then hugs Mori in a tight embrace while retracting the blade away from my neck as I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding

(Y/n): may I input my side of this whole thing, or am I going to be grounded?

Mori: what do you think?!

(Y/n): very well *faces her party* let's keep moving shall we?

Astrid and Mia nod as Eilna just gives me a sight glare as we start moving forward, towards our prep room and once we get there, Astrid starts sharpening her blade while Eilna test the penetration of her arrows as Mia tries to meditate

(Y/n): *notices a hourglass* we've got about 15 minutes before our fight. I'm going for walk, I'll be back in 10

Eilna: and where the fuck are you going?

Call of Destiny (Reader X Futa Harem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora