A New Home & The First Quest

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(N/n) = nickname
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
Underline = talking telepathically
* = the star mark means action
——————————————————Narrator's p.o.v

It's been a few hours since (Y/n) and Mia both became adventurers and had a few drinks which Eilna had a little to much to drink and pasted out drunk, now we see (Y/n) and Mia walking around town looking for a place to buy but hear trouble at a pretty big house as a man stands outside but enough of that lets get on with the meat and potatoes

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

(Y/n): *walks up to the house with Mia* what seems the problem sir

Racist: this bitch inside has been noting but trouble

Mia: and why's that?

Racist: * notices Mia* great another monster bitch, this entire town is just full of 'em

(Y/n): I suggest you refrain before you get your shoulder kicked in

Racist: oh please! What could that rabbit even do to me? Fucking nothing... so I suggest you lot leave before I turn you and that rabbit into sex slaves

I could feel my anger raise and before I could use my psychokinesis, I see Mia heel kick the man's shoulder breaking it them super kicks him in the chin which sends him into the brick wall and before Mia tries anything else I stop her holding her place with psychokinesis and I walk towards the man, whom is struggling to stand up with the wall supporting him

Racist: that damn bitch!!

(Y/n): maybe aggravating her was not your smartest move...

Racist: once the guild hears about this you're both going into the slammer!! Hahaha

(Y/n): that's funny because you've just verbally assaulted two adventurers and calm to make them your sex slaves, you choose poor words to say to me, now *(Y/n)'s eyes shine bright blue* Karma has come to collect her debt

Before the man could say a word a metal blade stabs through his chest and through the wall as I feel my anger drop and I start to calm down, the front door swings open as a woman stands there but she looks like a Kikimora and she looks quite pregnant as well, then she approaches me as I release Mia from my psychokinesis

Before the man could say a word a metal blade stabs through his chest and through the wall as I feel my anger drop and I start to calm down, the front door swings open as a woman stands there but she looks like a Kikimora and she looks quite pregn...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

((A/n): this is what a Kikimora looks like))

Kikimora: excuse me? *(Y/n) looks at the woman* Are you the one that moved the sword and killed that man?

Call of Destiny (Reader X Futa Harem)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن