My Mother Loves Werewolf Novels

Start from the beginning

You've got to be kidding me. Bridget relished how the savoury sausage and melted cheddar turned her mouth into heaven. Dieting can restart tomorrow; as always. "Did he princess-carry her just before she passed out?"

Her mother dropped her jaw, and the stainless-steel coffee filter on the counter. "Oh my God! Yes! Have you read the book?"

"And he felt this--." Bridget's hands moved in circles. "--electric shock or something when he gazed into her eyes and touched her?"

"Sparks, Bridge, sparks. How many times do I have to tell you?" The mother let out an exasperated sigh. "But it sounds like you've read this book already!" Now her face lit up like an over-decorated Christmas tree.

"What's the title?"

"It was released this week--'My Possessive Hotter-Than-Hell Rich Manipulative Alpha Loved the Unbroken Battered Omega Me Forever'."

Bridget almost spat out her food. You need a scrolling news ticker to fit all that. "Nope. Sowwy. Fidn't wing a bell." She shook her head with a full mouth.

The kettle whistled; the mother poured the boiling water into the first mug and filter. The earthy aroma of dark roast coffee filled the kitchen. "Okay, I'll bring it to you tomorrow then."

"Wait, you bought a hardcopy?"

"I did. The excerpt was too good! I'll drop it off tomorrow evening."

"Don't bother."

"Bridge." The mother sighed. "I wish you can share my passion of reading romance fictions."

"Mother," Bridget said while nibbling on a stuck cheddar on her thumb, "there is a distinction between passion and obsession. And I do read romance, you know that."

"But you shun the werewolf genre."

"Because it's ridiculous!" Bridget leaned onto the table and threw her hands up. "There are hardly any significant variations in the drama and conflict."

The mother gasped and clutched her chest. "There are."

"Not significant." Bridget gobbled the rest of the sausage muffin. "It is peppered with abusive and toxic relationships. Often the Male Lead's only redeeming quality is--"

"His hot body?"

"--his unhealthy obsession with the girl--"

"No; adoration."

"--which she tolerates because of his...physical attractiveness, and the forced 'mate bond'." Bridget made air quotes.

"Fated bond; not forced."

"If you can't choose, it's forced, Mother. Also, the inescapable social hierarchy--Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Omegas--which, by the way, is an outdated science. Really, in this age of freedom and women's rights, we still glorify all that?"

"It's fascinating!"

"It's absurd..."

The mother placed a steaming mug of coffee in front of Bridget; she then sat opposite her. "I just want a warm relationship with my only child." She put a dramatic sad face while stirring four sugar cubes and poured a half-cup worth of creamer to her coffee. "How else except by sharing the same interests and hobbies?" She sipped with a disgusted look watching Bridget sipped hers black.

Bridget held her breath. And here comes the climax...

"Don't you love your mother?"

Boom. Bridget rubbed her eyes. "I did take up many of your hobbies, didn't I? Dance-Dance-Revolution, Pokemon Go, Christmas romance movies, Mangas--" She pushed her black coffee aside, then opened the pancake container. "--Steve Harvey show?"

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