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The POVs gonna keep on getting alternating between character and 3rd person pov..😅😅 I couldn't decide how I wanted the part to go.. only character or 3rd person pov didn't feel right so I mixed it..😅

This chapter is kinda gonna be a mess.. so is next chapter... tho..

(A/N :- Jimbe age 34, Shirahoshi 4)
After dropping Brook and Franky on Water7, I got the Sunny coated and went to the Fishman island. The guards were getting ready to attack, when they saw me. The guards dropped their weapons and allowed my entry. I hide Sunny and go to talk with King Neptune.

I tell him about situation and the King agrees to let me work as the Princes' teacher and train them while I wait for the time I have to set sail. The princes' training was going well.. and the princes' were gradually becoming stronger..

Queen Otohime was still trying to get people of fishmen to sign the petition. I knew it was not the time yet, but decided to help the queen in collecting the signatures. They weren't getting much signs for the petition and with the Celestial Dragon pulling the stunt of putting the Queen under the gun point, the people were seen even more unwelcoming to sign it...

Everything worked well with the Celestial Dragon.. and but the merfolk needed more time to agree with queen Otohime's ideals..

(Jimbe age:- 35)
Almost about a year later, Fisher Tiger left Sun Pirates in the hands of Aladdin and returned to the Fishmen island along with Arlong pirates... After few months, Arlong went on his journey again but this time Hatchan stayed back and started his takoyaki shop. This time Tiger made sure Arlong won't make the humans his slave... or kill any human for thag matter. But I still had my doubts about him. So I just informed Luffy-kun and others about him. Incase a situation comes up that needs to apprehend Arlong. Where as Tiger joined the guards.

(Jimbe - 37, Shirahoshi - 7)
I had let all the events that didn't need my help turn out as they had happened last time..there was just one more incident that would need my help. Protect the Queen and the Princess. I knew the time was approaching so I had made sure there were enough soldiers around to protect them. The Queen had collected the signs(?) when they caught fire.. I had already warned Fisher tiger.. about it. So he went to protect the princess while I protected the Queen.

I had hoped to prevent the shooting by giving Hody some other jobs along with other fishmen, but it didn't seem to work. When I found the culprit it was actually a human, this time, the same one from last time, but this time he wasn't bloodied and was able to speak.

He took the blame for trying to kill the Queen, But I wasn't able to prove that the human was innocent. I am sure Hody might have used some underhanded techniques that caused or forced the human to try to shoot the Queen.

Hody again took the chance to announce that a human tried to kill the queen. I didn't mind that, since this wasn't the time for Fishmen to go on the surface and I am sure the Royal family will keep on trying to get the signs again.

(Age - 39)
It was again the time for Reverie, this time the Kingdom received the invitation to reverie with a condition to surrender Fisher tiger to the Marines.. which the King disagreed. Fisher Tiger had already told his past to the King and Queen.. and they didn't want Fisher tiger to live there again..

I had asked Sunny to be coated before going to meet Red hair. I took the fruits and the book on fruits and went back to the Ryuugu kingdom. I send my farewell to the royal family and others and set out to sail. I went to pick up Brook san and together we set sail towards Water7 on Sunny... and with the fruits.

(Age - 78)
I stayed on the Water7 till the sea train was completed and all the charges on Tom san were removed(?). I tried helping with whatever I can while building the Puffing Tom. But I mostly helped with my music.. afterall everything is and feels better with music Yohohoho...

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