Chapter 1

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"Naruto! You'll never beat me! Stop trying! I'm more superior than you are! You'll never reach my level!" Sasuke growled out as the sound of birds chirping was heard. "I'll bring you back no matter what! I made a promise to Sakura-chan!" Naruto shouted as he readied a rasengan. They both ran at each other as fast as they can. At the last minute, Naruto released the ball of chakra and pulled Sasuke's arm with the chidori toward his own chest. Sasuke's eyes widened in pure shock. Naruto spat out blood and gave sasuke a weak smile, he blinked as he tried to stay conscious. "Will... You... Come back... Please? You... Are the closest thing... I have... To a... Family." Naruto said weakly. Sasuke blinked in shock and surprise. What does that mean? Didn't Naruto always have a family?
"What do you mean dobe?" Sasuke asked. "Please Sasuke, come back." Naruto pleaded. "I love you as a brother and... I can't stand... If you're gone."
Sasuke suddenly felt like a jutsu lifted from him and he saw the position he was in. "Naruto."
"You've finally snapped out of it huh?" Naruto whispered and he coughed out blood. "I'll go back Naruto, come on let's get you to the hos-" Sasuke couldn't complete his sentence as he fainted. "I should be getting you to the hospital. You fainted on me." Naruto mused quietly as he pulled Sasuke's arm out of him. Naruto stifled a cry from the intense pain. He then dragged Sasuke towards Konoha.
Naruto's vision was blurring as he staggered forwards. He could see the faint outlines of the gate in sight. When he arrived, he dragged Sasuke to the hospital, earning more glares and lots of murmurs.
"That demon brat!"
"He injured our precious Uchiha! Does he not know the importance of the uchiha clan?!"
"I say we kill him while he is still weak!"
Naruto pretended to ignore all those as he entered the hospital. Naruto sat outside, hoping Sasuke was alright even though he himself was losing consciousness. "Naruto!" He heard a familiar voice shout his name. He looked up and grinned, "hey!"
"Where's Sasuke-kun?!" The pink haired girl and blond haired girl screeched. So that's the first thing they are concerned about huh? I already knew that, why am I still so upset? Naruto thought as he felt his chest tightened and hurt. He also felt lightheaded. "He's in there. They're treating him. I told you I would fulfil that promise. " Naruto replied. Shikamaru observed Naruto, he looked a little weird. Something's wrong. He thought as he tried to figure out what's wrong. The sand siblings noticed it too. Naruto's eyes were dilated and lacklustre. A loud clap resounded throughout the hospital. "You, you MONSTER!!" Sakura screamed. Everyone gasped, Ino - her best friend- too. "Sakura!" Ino yelled, hoping Sakura would apologise. "I told you to bring him back alive! Not half dead! You're like what the villagers said, a demon!" Everyone was getting very angry at Sakura's treatment to Naruto. "That's why everyone hates you!!" She screamed, so blinded with rage she is unaware that what she said is affecting Naruto. " I asked you to do one simple thing and you screw it up! You'll always be dead last! You'll never beat Sasuke-kun!" Sakura yelled, her hands shaking in rage. Naruto clenched his fist. Control it. Just hold it for a little while and you'll be fine. He was already injured that true but he still wanted to hurt himself. That's right. Our bright ball of sunshine hurts himself. It cancels out the screams in his head, it was something he had lack in his life. Something he craved. Something he was addicted to. Something that would never leave him. Something that loved him and embraced him for who he is.
"I'll never ask a favour from you ever again! You can never do anything right! You. Screw. Up!" Naruto's skin itched. Control. Control. Naruto rubbed the skin of his wrist under the long sleeves to feel the bumps from cutting. Only Shikamaru and the sand siblings noticed that gesture. Why did he do that? Did he injured his wrist?
Naruto ignored Sakura and looked over her shoulder. "Hey Gaara, Temari, Kankuro." Naruto greeted them as cheerful as possible. "Are you alright Naruto?" Temari asked, getting a very bad feeling. "I'm okay."
"Don't ignore me! Monster!" Gaara clenched his fist, he wanted to use sand coffin on her but he caught Naruto's eye and Naruto shook his head at Gaara a signal to him not to do anything. "Thank you for coming over." Naruto said as his breathing became shallow and rapid. "You're not alright." It wasn't a confirmation. It was a statement from Gaara. Naruto pretended Gaara never said a thing as he turned to Shikamaru. "How's the rest?"
"Neji and Choji are in a critical but stable condition. Kiba and Akamaru is fine, they just need to rest more. I just got a broken finger, nothing too bad."
"And you cried." Temari said, a smirk gracing her lips. "Yeah yeah." Shikamaru said, embarrassed. "It's alright to cry Shikamaru. It's good. I'm glad that you guys are fine." Naruto said weakly before his legs gave out. The last thing he saw was the shocked faces of the surrounding shinobis before he fell into the arms of sweet oblivion.
They all gasped in shock when they saw Naruto's eyes rolled back and he collapsed forward. Gaara caught Naruto with his sand before he could meet the ground. Gaara sent a death glare towards Sakura before rushing Naruto to the operating theatre and calling Tsunade over.
"I can't believe you Sakura!" Ino screamed at her best friend. Well ex-best friend. "I can't believe I'm friends with someone like you! Who calls their teammate a demon?! You aren't very good yourself! You're worse than a demon. Satan wouldn't even take you in because of the shame you would bring to him! You should be considered the deadlast! Always relying on people! You're the useless one in the group! You've got brains, I'll give you that. But you don't put that brain of yours to good use!" Ino screamed, Shikamaru had to hold Ino back from lunging at Sakura. "Naruto risked his life! For a PATHETIC bitch like YOU!! He saved you from Gaara's Shukaku form! He saved so many people! He changed everyones lives!! He stopped Neji from being blinded by fate! Gave Gaara his first friend! Gave Sasuke a brother, someone to compete and have fun with!"
"What are you talking about?! Sasuke-kun was the one that saved me during the chunnin examination!"
"Hahaha. You think that Uchiha can save you? If he could, why didn't he? He was frozen during the entire ordeal! Naruto was the one that freed you! Uchiha just caught you from plummeting to your death!" Temari yelled before grabbing Shikamaru, Kankuro and Ino to leave, leaving the pink haired girl to pounder about what the others said.

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