Majima no MajiROCK

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"All right, before we begin our next viewing, we'll start with a small music video before resuming."Kiran called out to the rest of the audience, which elicited various reactions from the audience.

"A music video? Oh hell yeah!"Xinyan cried out, already excited to see the next viewing.

The Harbingers, however, were less than interested on the next viewing and wanted to know more about the Traveler and their previous time was being wasted.

"And besides, the video's gonna show Aether's rise to power as the Dragon of Inazuma."

Now that got everyone's attention, which could now finally answer a question they have all been waiting - how exactly did Aether become the Dragon of Inazuma?

"Oh, this should be interesting..."

[The scene begins with a dark screen as Aether was seen walking through the streets of Inazuma as rock music began to play]

A fight's all well and good and all,
But if you're comin' to my turf,
Yer gonna get more than hurt

"Oh great, it's eyepatch psycho singing..."A random Sumeru scholar rolled her eyes upon hearing Majima's voice on the screen.

[Aether was seen being stopped by some of the Shogunate soldiers before Majima and Saejima appeared behind Aether]

Majima no MajiROCK...

Don't got any interest in the footprints left by someone else
A rotten distinguishment that attracts the dregs

[It then showed Aether standing before the patriarchs of the Dragon Clan - Goro Majima, Taiga Saejima, Ryuji Goda, Osamu Kashiwagi, Kamisato Ayato, Kujou Kamaji, Daisaku Kuze, Keiji Shibusawa, Hiroki Awano, and the chairman - the father of Ayato and Ayaka - Kamisato Akio]

The appearances of the Dragon Clan patriarchs drew mixed reactions from everyone. Kujou Sara's eyes widened in alarm upon seeing her adoptive brother onscreen, Ayaka was surprised to see her brother was among these people but nothing was much of a bigger surprise for the Kamisato siblings than seeing their deceased father on the screen.

"Brother? What are you doing among those... Those..."Sara tried to find the word but it was at the tip of her tongue as Kujou Kamaji also tried to find an answer but without any context of his involvement, there sure is no answer he has for his adoptive sister.

The Kamisato siblings were surprised upon seeing their father onscreen, and they started to get teary-eyed as old memories with their parents began to resurface from the back of their minds.

"Oh father... I miss you..."Ayaka muttered and tried to hide her tears with her fan.

Ayato simply muttered," Father, you old fool... You didn't have to go that far to restore our name..."

Aether gulped upon seeing the Yakuza™ characters in the screen - he may have never met them in person, but just staring at them gives him butterflies in his stomach...

"These men look powerful... How powerful are they?"Eula asked, eyeing each patriarch with an interested glint on her eyes.

"The Clan is so powerful that makes them untouchable that not even the Shogunate can do anything about them."Kiran said, which shocked the majority of Inazuma's population.

[Aether was then seen bowing before the chairman and the patriarchs]

In this town with its crude and beautiful neon lights,
My reward is an ego-shattering fight

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