Chapter Fifteen

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It's been ten days. A total of fifteen tributes have died since the wretched Games started. Some from the bloodbath. Some from the freezing cold temperature. Some from the career pack. Only nine remain.

Somehow in this allotted time, Ebony has managed to survive with the help of Samuel. With the assistance of sponsor gifts, the pair have been continuing their journey throughout the snow-covered arena. They had found a river shortly after the Games started, to which Ebony made sure to purify the water before they drank it. All the while, Samuel identified plants that were edible and those that were not.

However, the food sources are few and far between. The protein bars provided in the bacIt's been ten days. A total of fifteen tributes have died since the wretched Games started. Some from the bloodbath. Some from the freezing cold temperature. Some from the career pack. Only nine remain.

Somehow in this allotted time, Ebony has managed to survive with the help of Samuel. With the assistance of sponsor gifts, the pair have been continuing their journey throughout the snow-covered arena. They had found a river shortly after the Games started, to which Ebony made sure to purify the water before they drank it. All the while, Samuel identified plants that were edible and those that were not.

However, the food sources are few and far between. The protein bars provided in the backpack aren't enough for survival. Not without hunting at least. Early on, the two mutually agreed not to eat the protein bars unless absolutely necessary.

This means that the two tributes are left to deal with their hunger. While Samuel has been indifferent to hunger, Ebony has severely struggled with it. Coming from District One, she never wanted for anything, especially food.

"Here, eat up, One." Samuel mutters, pulling Ebony out of her thoughts. He grabs the last protein bar from the backpack and holds it out to her. Ebony shakes her head vehemently, causing the older tribute to frown. "This isn't up for debate. Eat up."

"Why not split it?" Ebony tries to suggest. "You need your strength too, Samuel."

"Don't worry about me, One. Just eat it." he states, letting out a loud sigh. "Hunger isn't anything new for me."

Reluctantly, Ebony takes the protein bar, biting into it. After a couple of bites, she breaks the remaining bar into half, handing it over to her partner. Rolling his eyes, he takes the other half, biting into it. Ebony smiles at her partner eating the protein bar.

As she goes to say something to continue their small conversation, the loud sound of the cannon resonates around the arena. This startles both of the tributes, before the two frantically look up and scan their surroundings for any danger.

"Now, there's eight left." Samuel mutters out loud. Ebony looks up at the older tribute for a moment before the snow starts to fall again in a light flurry.

"Do you think the career pack took care of the tribute?" she asks in general, stuffing the remaining bits of the protein bar into her backpack.

"Probably someone that froze to death." Samuel answers bluntly. "You warm still?"

"Yeah." Ebony nearly stutters out. "You?"

"I'm warm enough." he vaguely responds, leaving the young tribute on edge about his answer. Before he can say more, his eyes widen in horror at what is ahead of him.

No words spoken, Samuel yanks Ebony to the side, as a knife flies right into his throat. Blood spurts out of his mouth, before he falls to the ground seemingly dead.

"Samuel!" Ebony screams out in agony, glaring at the knife thrower. Her eyes widen upon seeing the grin of Atlanta's grin. Growling, the young girl snatches the knife covered in her partner's blood and charges right toward the career.

Atlanta's grin vanishes, and a look of fear takes over, as she frantically spins around to run away.

The sound of a cannon resonates through the field once more, as Ebony sprints after Samuel's murderer. But no matter how hard the older girl tries, she can't outrun the vengeful girl.

Throwing the knife that killed Samuel, Ebony manages to hit the back of Atlanta's head. The tribute screams in pain, dropping to the ground. While Atlanta attempts to pull out the dagger, the young girl rushes over and rips it out. Before the older tribute can react, Ebony stabs it directly into her eye, as blood gushes out from Atlanta's wounds.

Ebony tries to stop the tears that begin to pour down her cheeks, as she stands back up to stare at the now-deceased career. The cannon boom sounds once more around the arena, signaling that Atlanta is now truly dead.

Realizing that Samuel is still lying in the snow, Ebony runs back to where she and Samuel originally were before the sudden attack. She needs to make sure no one else is going to attack him.

Upon arriving at the area they were attacked, the only thing that remains to show that Samuel was there is the blood coating the snow and the indention his body made in the snow. His body isn't there. Ebony falls onto her knees in anguish, as the tears start to fall faster than before.

Ebony knew little about Samuel even during the time they spent together in the arena. They barely spoke about their lives before the Games. She knew just as much about him as the Capitol did, which hurts her all the more. She wishes she had learned more about the man who sacrificed himself to save her. 


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