Chapter Six

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After the tributes parade, the District One tributes are led away to their suites for their stay. Their mentors and escort lead the way past the other tributes to a secluded hallway. At the end of it sits a set of double doors, beckoning the five to come forward. Reaching the doors first, the escort opens the entrance.

"And this is the luxury condo you two will be staying in until the games begin." Vera informs Ebony and Slate, leading them through the doors. The two young tributes gape in awe at the sight of their living arrangements. Though for different reasons.

"This doesn't look any different than District One." Slate huffs under his breath. Ebony subtly rolls her eyes at his remark but says nothing in response. Of course, it isn't going to be luxurious. District One is the richest out of all the districts.

"So, now what?" the male mentor remarks, relaxing his shoulders and heading towards the liquor wall with no hesitation.

"Now, we mentor, Kyanite." Ruby scolds stiffly, before turning to Ebony and Slate. "Sit down, we need to start building a plan for you two."

"All right!" Kyanite remarks, swiftly turning to face everyone while Vera groans at his antics. "Porcupine, you're with me. Killjoy, you're with Rubs. Prim and Proper, do something I guess."

Before anybody can retort or argue with the mentor, the male mentor runs over and grabs Ebony's hand, guiding her toward the living room area. He sits her down on the couch, looking towards the three stunned individuals.

"But you two are supposed to work-" Vera goes to try and follow the typical rules that are in place for mentors. Only to be ignored by him with a simple eye roll.

"Go on, go somewhere else. This is one-on-one time." Kyanite mutters, waving them away. This gets them to leave the room to do their conversations. The male mentor sighs before sitting down on the ottoman across from the young tribute. "Good. Now then, where were we?"

"We weren't anywhere..." Ebony cautiously answers the mentor.

"Well, not with Killjoy and Rubs in the room." Kyanite snarks, leaning forward with his arms resting on his legs. "They would be holding you back from your true potential."

Now is Ebony's turn to send the mentor a confused look. What true potential can she have that didn't appear before? She can barely wield a weapon, she can barely get along with Slate let alone stand him. What can that mean for her when she is actually in the arena? Simple, her demise.

"Come on, Porcupine, you have lots of potential. Every tribute does." Kyanite states matter-of-factly. To him, it is the most obvious thing to say to any new tribute. After all, the odds could very well be in their favor.

"You wouldn't say that if you saw the scores from the Academy." Ebony mutters under her breath. She does not believe a word out of that man's mouth because it is the same thing said to students in the academies. At this point, any career tribute can win.

"Your scores in the Academy don't matter in the arena, Ebony." Kyanite harshly remarks. "You can have the highest score from the Academy and still die in the arena. Confidence can get you killed too."

Ebony sends the man a look of confusion, trying to process everything that he just said to her.

"So, what can you do?" the mentor questions, pulling the young tribute out of her thoughts. She looks at him for a moment before finally coming up with a proper answer.

"Survive?" It comes out more like a question than a statement, yet it is good enough as the dark-haired man begins to smile at her.

"Exactly." Kyanite confirmed her statement. "Do you have any weapons you like a lot?"

"Not really. I'm not good with any weapons." Ebony sighs slightly in response. She already knows that this may very well be what holds her back from surviving the games. Or, as the Academy says, be her ultimate demise. Yet, the mentor does not seem to be deterred by this rather alarming news. Instead, he appears to be excited to hear that she isn't good with weapons.

"OK, well what if I give you a weapon suggestion?" Kyanite asks, standing up quickly to walk out of the room for what feels like a matter of seconds. The mentor returns with a leather rope wrapped up in a circle in his hands. The man sits back down on the ottoman before handing the coiled rope to the young tribute.

Ebony inspects the item in her hands, uncoiling it to realize what exactly Kyanite handed to her. She glances up from the weapon in hesitation.

"A whip? Why a whip?"

"Because it's a weapon that no one thinks to use in the games. It's a simple, yet powerful weapon that can take down anyone if you use it right." Kyanite explains with enthusiasm. "Which is exactly what you are."


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