I'm a "Ghost"

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Sunday, July 2, 2023

A girl wearing a faded green-and-grey dress [one I think is based on a dress my Mom had that was once mine] is walking on a non-grassy narrow path. Grasses are beside it, growing with bushes or whatnot as it goes far from the path. Her dark hair looks to be in a bun, and I can't recall whether she is holding a weapon or not, but I know that she's a murderer.

She's trying to whistle. And I'm a ghost, wearing some white dress, just flying around.

“Make it more echo-ey,” I said to the girl as I flew past her, imitating the wolf's whistle on 🌟 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. 🌟

She tried to get me, either with her hands or with a weapon. I flew past her again. She can't see me and I was fast enough, so she failed to catch me.

Frustrated, she ran to a building and the next moment, she's on the rooftop. I was just flying around. She wanted to catch me there.

I held a tall iron pole beside the building, and I shook it, shook it so hard I think it might've scared her enough. I let it go and just put my arms out and made an earthquake. A coconut fell [forgot how this happened] and an insect suddenly flew to her neck.

“Aahh!!!” She ran back to the door and then hid inside the building and held unto the door while sitting on a set of grey stairs with no pillars or fence. The stairs also rolled around the walls to the end, creating a perfect square space for anyone to fall into their deaths if they fell high enough.

The earthquake soon stopped. And I was rubbing the necks of two fluffy white bunnies or cats down below, and I think I cared about them more.

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I believe something else happened before this. Like, I feel like me and tje girl has another story before this, or there was another goal or something, but the dream seemed to have “re-started” and this is as far as I can remember or where the re-start clickes.

Doesn't dreams do that sometimes?

Also, this is one of the first times I actually flew properly in a dream, whether I was trying or not.

Friday, July 7, 2023

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